Save Money and TIME with Freezer cooking (Pantry Chat with Becky from Acre Homestead!)

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I’m so excited to have Becky from @Acre Homestead on the Pantry Chat today as we talk about making freezer meals! You all …

50 replies
  1. Rose Felton
    Rose Felton says:

    Many times I have made too much of something and because it's only me and my husband we have a lot of leftovers. We may eat on it a couple days, but then I put the rest in the freezer in amounts that we would eat in one night. I have been thinking of making more freezer meals and now that I have watched this video I'm ready to do just that. Will have to get me more containers to put them in and, of course, I'm going to check out Becky's recipes and it looks like she has some great ones! Thank you Carolyn for having Becky on the Pantry Chat!

  2. Beth Sands
    Beth Sands says:

    You two are the best multi-tasking, hard working and knowledgeable Homesteaders. It is awesome to see that you can learn from each other and reap the benefits of tried-and-true methods. Yay for technological cooking inventions like a freeze dryer that give you more options and make your lives easier. You go girls !

  3. WhiskeyWomanWhisks
    WhiskeyWomanWhisks says:

    Yay! Listening to My 2 favorite people today while I’m watering the garden🙌🏻
    Now that I’m done with that I had to come comment😜
    So y’all have cool weather and too much rain…here in GA it’s 102* and I can’t remember what rain is🥵😩
    I’m watering morning and night-my garden is struggling big time with this heat!
    I love freezer meals but at this time there’s just not enough freezer space-I’m looking for an upright specifically for meals and harvest-chest freezers are full of bulk food and meat and I feel an upright is kinda like a working pantry!
    Thanks for all you both do and for hanging out with me in the garden today😜🤗

  4. maritza kincaid
    maritza kincaid says:

    Y'all need to watch That 1870s Homestead too! Rachel doesn't do "freezer meals" per se but she cans a lot of prepped ingredients that then become "dump n go" meals. My favorite is her canned tomato sauces: Italian flavor, Mexican flavor, creole flavor and plain, you can turn those into so many different dishes with just a few added ingredients. All you ladies inspire me in so many ways THANK YOU.

  5. DeliriArt
    DeliriArt says:

    Like Becky, I use ziplock bags to store my frozen meats. Most of the meat I buy comes vacuum sealed in plastic straight from our farmer. But when I buy meat from the store, I have to repackage some of it and so i use the freezer bags. I can't really find a way around that. I'd love to not use plastic, but how would I store my meats in the freezer? I actually see the ziplock bags as the lesser evil because we wash them and reuse over and over.

    And I'm also curious about aluminum foil. How would you store and cook freezer meals without aluminum foil, which will also end up being thrown away…even if recycled (which we do recycle everything), there is still a lot of processing that goes on that wastes energy and water.

    I actually have a large glass casserole dish with a glass lid and this is what I use anytime use the oven because I do not like using aluminum foil with our food. I use that and i take care of that thing like gold because they are hard to find, but even this would not work for storing freezer meals. So yeah, are there special containers you have in mind for freezer meals that would not create waste?

  6. Briana Dixon
    Briana Dixon says:

    Speaking of throwing away.
    I was at my BFFs house and she was making chicken gumbo. I was helping shred the chicken from the bones. When done I asked where she wanted the bones. She told me to throw them out. There was 4 chicken carcasses. I asked about broth making. She told me she makes the broth when she needs it so its fresh. I was quite horrified.
    I hoard my bones in the freezer till I have enough to fill a pot. All the different animal bones. I have 11 half gallon jars full of broth on my shelves. Soup and stew is a common staple in my house.

  7. K Q
    K Q says:

    Oh No!!! You two are collaborating…. My wife watches both of you. Well that means I need to get my wallet and weekend ready. Whatever you two collaborate on I will be doing. Uggghhhh… Both your shows are awesome.

  8. Anna Gregg
    Anna Gregg says:

    Just to give you another perspective.I am in central California it is very hot here over 100 I have been praying for rain, but it's not coming. I also garden and would love to get out and work in it but it's too hot right now! 🙄

  9. Tina Bow
    Tina Bow says:

    I do recycle my aluminum foil I reuse it if it's not real bad and my ziplock bags I wash them out sterilizing real good and hang them over a bowl or something where it fit and dry out saves lots of money that way

  10. Heather Pachal
    Heather Pachal says:

    Silcone reusable freezer bags are a good environmentally friendly option. If you get planning on how many you would use monthly/every 2 months, then you would have a set amount to purchase over time. I also freeze things like meatballs, green beans, peas, berries, hamburger patties, sausage patties, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. on trays and then package into reusable containers (Folger coffee containers are food grade plastic that stands up to the freezer, they stack well and you can use a white pen on the black lid to label).

  11. Tina Bow
    Tina Bow says:

    Becky's got this wonderful recipe on stuff cabbage and you can put your own little twist on it and sweet Italian sausage with my ground beef it is the bomb so try that out it's really good and your kids would love it

  12. Morgan McCann
    Morgan McCann says:

    Love this collaboration! Thanks so much for both of you doing this video. And also it’s so interesting how you’re drowning in rain and down in the Deep South we are frying like never before. These are some serious times.

  13. Tina Bow
    Tina Bow says:

    I have two different phones and I love both of your guys' shows I learned a lot from both of you you're awesome people for being there forever one of us is learning how to do this and God bless you both and your families keep up the good work

  14. Linanne Bice
    Linanne Bice says:

    Becky has infectious personality that just sucks you right in..she shares her successes and failures…her strengths and weaknesses…she could teach today's politicians alot…love both your channels…

  15. Wild Nature Farm
    Wild Nature Farm says:

    I'm at the Grandma stage of life and I soooo wish I'd found a community like this when I was young. Thanks for the chat, ladies! You're both great! I have a ton of eggs to use up right now so I'll be looking for some breakfast freezer meal recipes. We're in the process of moving from farmyard to farmyard(welcoming the next generation in to the big farm house) and mornings, I'm never energetic enough to get a big meal going like hubby would like to see. He grew up on big breakfasts so getting some into the freezer to toss into our sparkly new air fryer will be great!

  16. Carrie Osborn
    Carrie Osborn says:

    My two favs…Love both your channels and recipes, always learn something new. Caroline inspired me to get a pressure cooker and learn to can and such a great teacher and Becky inspired me to freeze more meals especially for those crazy busy days and is so industrious! Thank you so much for this honest chat!

  17. Chocolate Box Cottage
    Chocolate Box Cottage says:

    Thanks for introducing me to Becky. She has a lot of down-to-earth wisdom on making freezer meals. I used to do a big batch of freezer meals every few months when I was working. Now that I'm working at, from, and in the home I am finding new reasons to get back to freezer meal assembly. The feeling of knowing that there are prepped meals ready to go in the freezer is so NICE. 🌸😊🌸 Michele

  18. Shirlee Alicia
    Shirlee Alicia says:

    What a treat!! I have been watching Homesteading family for so long. I love your courses and free PDFs. Becky is a fairly new channel to me and I love her too. So fun to see my favorite homesteaders together.


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