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Welcome back friends! Today we do ALL THE THINGS! We have French toast sticks, sausage and smoothies for breakfast. Then we go to Tractor Supply …

32 replies
  1. Jody Joslin
    Jody Joslin says:

    Does the new house have a garden area or will you guys be putting one in?
    When we purchased our home the first thing we did was put in a garden. It was a ton of work getting ready, but we are still reaping the rewards 13 years later!
    Best of luck to you all!

  2. L. J.
    L. J. says:

    So nice to see the kids pitching in with the cleaning. Great job kids! All the food looked amazing. I am really hungry right now. I love anything with BBQ sauce. Yummy

  3. Original Cali Girl
    Original Cali Girl says:

    Those French toast stick would have been good reheated in the air fryer too. Dont be weird bout showing urself In mornings. Your beautiful no matter what and it's real life that what we love about you. ❤⚘

  4. Sandra D
    Sandra D says:

    Did you know you can chop up celery and freeze it and then just take out what you need to add to a recipe?! I love it…..take care sweet family, so excited for your move!👋😁

  5. Amber F
    Amber F says:

    I'm so excited for your garden. It's going to be wonderful💗
    Garry is so sweet…how he acknowledges your hard work as a awesome mom and wife.💗
    Everleigh has the right idea with the nap😁
    Good night Wilder and beautiful family💗💗💗💗💗

  6. Francesca
    Francesca says:

    Oh the cuteness and delicious looking food jalapeno biscuits 🤔 congratulations on the appraisal it's makes the wait worth it when it comes with equity. Gerry build your garage you have the dream and the land

  7. Shawn and Lisa Mason
    Shawn and Lisa Mason says:

    Next step to getting the house that's awesome 🙂 Hopefully the rest of your house journey goes smoothly with your pork chop sauce could you use any bbq sauce not a fan of sweet bbq sauce but my husband and kids love it so I deal. your containers that you have the ones that lock on all sides I have about 4 I bought them a long time ago and Walmart does not carry them any longer where did you find yours? My daughter said you have our knife set I told her no that's not the same one until I saw yesterdays video and you were using the cutting board she used to sell those knives but she didn't have enough customers since she was new to town. I love them even though my husband doesn't like me using them he's scared I'm going to cut my self cutting food.


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