Satisfying my dad’s chemo cravings ep. 2

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30 replies
  1. @laila_bella
    @laila_bella says:

    Being with them and having good meals and a little bit of forcing them to eat the meds is enough. I'm so glad during my high school years, i caught on early when my friend who'd complain about the bump under her ear, which turns out to be cancer after i sternly told her to go to big hospital for checkups that weekend since there's only clinic from the area we're from. She's now happy, healthy and will be getting married soon and her family has become my second family.

  2. @TheNinamarinhagrande
    @TheNinamarinhagrande says:

    This is such a great idea ❤ it's so nice to see someone's cancer experience be shown in an uplifting way. No I don't want cancer on anyone and I pray your father recovers as soon as possible. But for so many people chemotherapy is their lifeline and it's bad enough that they know that and they have to go through that. They don't need to go through the other parts of their life with dume and glue. I hope this series reaches as many people as possible so other people on chemo can see and feel the positivity and love 👏👏

  3. @somaa4050
    @somaa4050 says:

    Awww Tiffany I’m sure this helps his recovery so much having you cook these meals for him. I pray that he gets better beats cancer so you can spend more precious moments with him.

  4. @adriancain2508
    @adriancain2508 says:

    Such a special way to show how much you love and care for someone. As someone who has recently been through some health issues with no one to care for me, you have no idea what it would have meant to me for someone to make me a meal that I wanted.


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