Sarah Palin Suffers Humiliating Defeat as Dem Chances Climb 9/1/22 TDPS Podcast

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20 replies
  1. Gord Thor
    Gord Thor says:

    David, when Americans are "very sick" in a hospital or even if they have been drugged up for pain, they can't drive themselves home or be around open window several stories up, because they could easily die by accident. You are being hyperbolic with the BS story you are painting; "they shot themselves in the back 4 times" "They fell out of a window and then stabbed themselves…." . Hospitals in Russia have different standards, so it is more normal for "very sick" people to accidently die. Also, it is rather normal for "very sick" people to commit suicide to end their misery.

    My point is that you are very inconsistent in how you present unfounded accusations for Russian news (while contradicting your own assumptions) and are quite careful when presenting American news. You give a list of differing deaths and them claim "they all die in the same manner". Your own accusations vary from "shooting themselves in the back 4 times", to falling out windows and "stabbing themselves". I thought the main conspiracy was that Putin "poisons" his detractors. What about the daughter of a Russian politician who died in a car bombing recently"? The "mysterious deaths" are all over the map, (as people die in any country) and you are painting a deceptive picture like Tucker Carlson would. It's pathetic and I know that you are above than and your logic is typically very sound.

    The world is becoming crazier everyday and people need you to stick to the facts, logic and truth. You are very good at that, but you slipped this time. I'm not claiming that the Russian government isn't corrupt (the country is corrupt by any standard), but clearly the prior US government attempted a fascist takeover of democracy and you haven't been so careless with hyperbolic BS. If you aren't being consistent, you aren't being logical. People like you because you are very logical. Leave the hyperbole to Fox News and MSNBC.

  2. Jeffafa
    Jeffafa says:

    From Alaska, if Peltola gets her voice out at all after that win she will hold the seat. There is a huge desire for Alaska Native representation and a democrat. Alaska has a weird voting population like you said.

  3. A W
    A W says:

    Pure comedy.. David's straight face is gold.. "I hope you'll indulge me". I sincerely can't tell if this guy is actually dumb, or if he's just another pillow guy… diluted and deeply mislead.

  4. loggle84
    loggle84 says:

    I live and vote in Switzerland; we also have ignorant and delusional people, but they would never get a career in politics. If a politician would publicly say the things Mike Cargile did in this interview, he would be laughed at and/or put in a mental home…

  5. Joey Bull
    Joey Bull says:

    Money makes you stupid… Rural areas seem to do the same… When you don't live amongst a diverse group of people and mingle with a multitude of ideologies to create your own identity… You tend to create a lock and key for the chain you put around your echo chamber

  6. ladislao ortiz
    ladislao ortiz says:

    Be carefull with the Thanks button..I thought i was doing a onetime donation..Turns out somehow I signed up for a monthly service to read online books…Had to dispute it ..Supposed to take 30 days to get a refund..


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