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38 replies
  1. Mariah Knisley
    Mariah Knisley says:

    Bugles used to have a cheddar and Carmel flavored bag that I loved but they quit selling it in our area.I don't shop at Sam's but it I did I would definitely get that popcorn!

  2. Cindy Kinney
    Cindy Kinney says:

    Hi, Sweetpea. The pesto chicken pasta looked amazing, but then if it's got pasta in it, I'm all in. So I noticed that Harrison looked as if he's had his hair trimmed but you never mentioned it, so I went back and noticed I'd missed (don't know how that happened), his birthday video where you revealed he gave himself a haircut. OMGosh, Jennifer, that was probably one of the worst haircuts I've ever seen a child make…hahahahahaha. I'm actually still giggling. He was so adorable opening his presents and being so excited about everything. Tell Hayden I really liked the clip of him at his Jiu-Jitsu class. Have a great weekend when it gets here. Love ya.

  3. Robin Weaver
    Robin Weaver says:

    My car needs a bath so bad, unfortunately, it’s raining today and tomorrow, after 7 months, I finally get my new couch delivered! I need to get to Sams club for some of the goodies you showed! We are not a pesto family but your dinner did look good!

  4. Brenda Tate
    Brenda Tate says:

    Girl I know that scared you thinking you locked your keys in the car. Thanks for letting us know about the pesto chicken. I can’t wait to try it. Please tell Mr. Harrison that his haircut 💇🏻‍♂️ looks so cool on him! I know that haircut give him super powers! Lol. Have a great week! Hugs 🤗

  5. Hilde Moonen
    Hilde Moonen says:

    Hey beautiful…you always are so funny when you do walk through in stores, you always crack me up 🤣🤣🤣! Please send me a bag of popcorn please because I am drooling 🤤 over here! You really get my excited for some pistachios…that so are my favorite nuts to snack on, really so good!
    In april you will get some new pictures from our house because it looks really different already I think ☺️!
    You are such a nice friend and it will be my life goal to meet you some day ❤️!
    Big big hugs 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️

  6. Simply Enjoying Life
    Simply Enjoying Life says:

    My husband has been loving the cheese and caramel popcorn lately….I mean I'm eating it too 😂 but he's the one that's been wanting it. Cheese curds from Cook Out are so good!! Loved the video and all your commentary Jennifer! 😀

  7. Lana Graham
    Lana Graham says:

    Hey Jennifer, I'm thankful for you, too.😘 I have never had pesto. You've got me wanting to try it. Outdoor furniture is So expensive! They make it look so inviting with their nice displays. Hope you are having a great week.😀

  8. Julz
    Julz says:

    My Lord I've lost all my breathe watching you wrestle or as we say… "rastle" … With that popcorn bag😄😄😄 I just knew you were either gonna pull a me and pop yourself in the face…or throw an elbow through your window… All while someone's waiting for your spot at the Sam's club parking lot😂😂😂😂 I'm friggin weak😂😂😂

  9. Shop Sip Sauté
    Shop Sip Sauté says:

    Sam's always has better snack foods than Costco in my opinion and everyone in this house always wants Costco even thought we have both memberships! Being from Chicago, that caramel cheese mix you got is legit.I have bought that at both Sam's and Costco. Here we have "Garrett's Popcorn" shops and the caramel/cheese is known as "Chicago Mix" It is amazing from the shop when it is warm. You can actually get it shipped to you. Dinner looked delicious, I love pesto!

  10. Adrienne Holder
    Adrienne Holder says:

    Heyyy friend I had fun hanging out with you .. I am definitely going to try out that recipe it looks soo goodd I don't ever go to Sam's but I need to they have some great deals especially that box of snacks.. I hope you have a good weekend 😋 ☺💜

  11. Linda Hines
    Linda Hines says:

    Jen you just 😂 crack me up !! I love your channel so much ♥️. Stevie was so good and sweet while you were shopping with Stevie!!! Pesto chicken looked wonderful. Love ya girl 🥰


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