S8 E5: Down and Dirty Meal Planning with Lisa Bass

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Down and Dirty Meal Planning with Lisa Bass In today’s episode, I’m thrilled to be chatting with a long-time friend, Lisa Bass.

30 replies
  1. rivinius98
    rivinius98 says:

    I am still disgruntled about the tiny oven in my new stove. I went from electric to propane and didn’t notice how small the oven was. Four years later, I’m still not over my mistake. Love the stove top but… Gah!

  2. S CCG
    S CCG says:

    I worked full time with my children and traveled 2 hours each day commute and yes they did after school activities as well. My top tip for saving money and time is batch cook, it just takes a little bit extra time to cook but will save you time and money. You are cooking anyway so just do little bit extra and portion up for work lunch, dinner / lunch for children. Most are working mums on low income use beans and pulses to add protein if you start young your children will never know the difference. Feed your children everything from a very young age vegetables, different meats, fish, herbs. If you don’t like them never show that too your children as they learn by example. Try something new every week ( do not make a issue of it = just serve it).

  3. Nancy Stewart
    Nancy Stewart says:

    If you are interested in big batch cooking, check out the youtube channels for Jamerrill Stewart and She's in Her Apron, and Six Sister's Stuff. I love using my instant pot. Some of my favorite recipes I make in it are roasts (90 minutes, let it naturally release), add veggies and put on for 10 more minutes. Honey Garlic chicken using boneless skinless thighs takes very little time. Country style ribs (six sister's stuff) in the crock pot or instant pot. These take very little time to make and can be ready in less than an hour. I try to keep my pantry stocked with items that I use a lot of so that makes making dinner easier.

  4. Olivia Tyrrell
    Olivia Tyrrell says:

    My husband and I are currently finishing our home and we haven’t finished the kitchen yet, so I’ve been cooking on only the grill and instant pot for a year and a half. So far I haven’t found anything I couldn’t make between the two! Biscuits and cornbread on the grill, cakes etc in the pot. And a cast iron griddle on the grill for eggs etc.

  5. Stephanie Davis
    Stephanie Davis says:

    breakfast for dinner has always been my go to from scratch meal in a quick hurry, fried potatoes with scrambled eggs mixed in, topped with a slice of cheese, someone else buttering toast, it's done and good!!!

  6. Faline Gallagher
    Faline Gallagher says:

    I love making sourdough pizza, it is a go to when I don't want to cook. My meal "plan" technique is to make two list on my white board… One of casseroles in the freezer( I cook at least two if I am making it so eat one freeze one) and the other list is of meals I have the ingredients for. Then when I get home I work nights) and the house is off the jobs or school and we are having breakfast I just ask what we want for dinner and with having a list visible of the options makes the decisions easy. Then I take out or mix up what is needed for dinner. I also keep prepped things for them to grab and make their lunches in the fridge.

  7. Austin Seagrave
    Austin Seagrave says:

    Couple of tips. If I am chopping celery and onions, I sometimes do bunch and freeze them (in two bags) They freeze really well and I can pull them out for so many things I'm making. I'm sure carrots would work as well, too. Another is to have a "soup bag" in the freezer. Any leftovers get put into that bag and then when I have "enough" I put the frozen lump into the instant pot with some boiling water and make soup. I don't have to season until the end because everything has already been seasoned. You gets lots of depth of flavor. And it really does make the best soup!

  8. hugelpook 5678
    hugelpook 5678 says:

    Freezer prep for me, is making a ton of pizza dough and freezing it in portions; if I'm making a cake, I'll make 4 and freeze 3; if I'm making a Lasagna, I make
    a couple and freeze one; when I make pizza sauce, I'll make a couple several litres and freeze them etc so the freezing happens as a matter of course.

  9. Anthony Flores
    Anthony Flores says:

    Super glad to see you back! Been missing your episodes. Personally, meal planning can be difficult for me because of ADHD. It's so bad that…………………………Sorry, what was I saying? There was a squirrel… LOL! Anyway, I've found that the whiteboard method is the only way I can do it. If I can pay attention long enough to actually make a meal plan, then the whiteboard gives me the structure I need to go a week or two and efficiently use my food stores and not waste as much. Like Lisa said, having that meat thawed out is crucial to successful meal planning. And I just don't end up doing that without the whiteboard. But changing that whiteboard to match what food I have on hand every week is where I drop the ball. I need to find a wife who is organized. She can make the menu and I'll cook it! Anyway, glad to see you back and I'm looking forward to more videos.

  10. Rose Kisiel
    Rose Kisiel says:

    I'm going to start my comment by saying, No offense intended at all, but how old are you ladies? I'm so freaking impressed to see young ladies compared to my old 50+ self really loving what you do. I cook but not like you ladies and my sons are grown so I'm learning to cook totally from scratch for one with a little leftover. I'm so impressed to see young women talking about these skills, implementing them, homeschooling and just taking charge of the direction their family life takes. Your children will grow up one day and realize how great they had it. Bless you ladies!

  11. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    I really enjoyed this talk. I learned a lot of things I am not a good menu planner, sometimes I plan two or three nights a week. The rest of the week I just wing it I don't have as many people as Lisa but everybody always seems to come up with that's not what I'm hungry for and sometimes not only them me too. I don't like it nearly as well but I do keep some Frozen cooked ground beef in the freezer as a meal starter. Has got me out of trouble a few times just a few minutes it saves and it takes no time to cook more and usually I add onions to it because I seem to add onions too most everything I cook. Had not been subscribed to Lisa will go over and do that right away.


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