Route 66 Food Challenge! Craziest American steak house in my dream city, Las Vegas

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35 replies
  1. R B
    R B says:

    I believe you got used to getting positive reviews but don't you even see what's going on here. based on your subscribers you are not getting that many hits. the main reason is that you do not talk about the foods or the places you are going, all you are saying is "I love it", "amazing" or "My god" This is not how is supposed to be. you have to talk about the food you are eating, and you have to share that feeling with your viewers. it doesn't matter if you have beautiful girls in your video or not. just change your style. and by the way, you are not speaking Faris anymore so you are losing those Farsi speakers as well. also, your edit is not good as well in other words sucks. If you want to stay in this business you have to change the way you are making your videos. I'm sorry but I must criticize you because I'm comparing you with other guys in the same business. you are not in Iran anymore, you were a known celebrity back there but not here. change your style before being forced to leave this business.

  2. Teimour Bakhtiar
    Teimour Bakhtiar says:

    Many men work their guts out through life & grave, and struggle to put food on the table to feed their kids – This stupid cow goes around munching on free food; making as much money and laughing at people's stupidity 😭 !

  3. Mohammadreza Jalali
    Mohammadreza Jalali says:

    اقای سپیدنام مستر عزیز ، ازت ممنونیم که با انتشار این ویدئو ها مارو هم سهیم میکنی ، کلی لذت بردم بسیار عالی و باشکوه بود ، ب امید موفقیتت بیشتر از همیشه .. ❤🎉

  4. H R
    H R says:

    مستر دیگه با خانوادیه کاردشیان میپری

    ما فقیر و فقر ها رو تحویل نمیگیری مشتی

    مراقبت کن 😉

  5. Mohsen Karimi
    Mohsen Karimi says:

    مملکت چ وضعیه این چکار میکنه 😢 کارت کن عیب نداره حداقل اینستاگرام یا اینجا ی یادیم از اونا کن حالا که رفتی خودتم گریه کردی گفتی معلوم نیست کِی برگردی درسته خانوادت اونجان اما خيليا اینجورین اما بخاطر همون چیزای که تو زدی بیرون از کشورت بخاطر همونا مردم و جوونا دارن تمام توانشون میزارن جون میدن 😢 پنج سال تو انگلیس بودی همه ی عمر پنجاه سالته بقیش ایران بودی ی کم ب خودت بیا لامصب 😢فردا پس فردا اگه ایران اوکی بشه حالا ی سال دوسال دیگه شاید حداقل روی برگشتن داشته‌ باشی

  6. adadashian
    adadashian says:

    Salam Mr Taster,
    Would you please explain food ingredients and how it tastes.
    Everyone can say, oh my God.
    Explain why the food tastes good. What makes the food oh my God.
    Thank you

  7. Davood Mohajer
    Davood Mohajer says:

    چاقاله مگه از قحطی برگشتی اون دیگه چه جور لومبوندنیه مگه تو تا به حال بلال نخوردی که اونطور وحشیانه بلال رو به دندون میکشی .بعدش هم چرا اونهمه خانم ایرانی درور وورته چرا اینقدر سعی میکنی انگلیسی بلغور کنی .واقعا که مدل زهر مار خوردنت خیلی چندش آوره .خیکی بی خاصیت .
    …راستی چاقاله تو بجز خوردن حرفه دیگه ای هم تونستی مثل آدمهای نرمال یاد بگیری یا نه .


    Mr. Taster, I think you need a cameraman to assist you with your content. This way, you can speak more and be more educational and engaged with your audience. I am finding you're just filming development with no talking and not being involved in the video for long periods at a time. I am just trying to give you good advice to capture more followers.


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