Roasted Potatoes Air Fryer VS Instantpot!

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Today I’m trying to make some easy ranch flavored roasted potatoes but I thought I’d see who does it best between the air fryer and the instant pot. Here at Andy …

24 replies
  1. John Dennis
    John Dennis says:

    I loved this. It makes me want to stick with the pressure cooker my mom got us and we never used. I was looking at getting an air fryer but the way you talked about the potatoes from the instantpot makes me want to stick with it. I think the water in the Instantpot washed off all the items you placed on the potatoes. I might try and air fryer someday but will stick with what I have.

  2. Jeff Stanley
    Jeff Stanley says:

    The Instant Pot steamed them rather than baked them hence the lighter color and less crispiness. That was a fail for the Instant Pot due to design constrictions. It just was not made to "fry" potatoes.


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