Roast Pork and Gravy – Instant Pot

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Roast Pork and Gravy – Instant Pot I hope you like this one pot pork roast and gravy recipe! I often use frozen meats which does not affect the cook time.

10 replies
  1. Dennis Lee
    Dennis Lee says:

    I want to cook a pork roast for my mom, but she has some trouble chewing foods, it has to be really soft…would this type of roast be really soft when its done? If not which type of roast pork will be really soft?…I will be cooking in a regular pot, not instant pot. Thank you…this roast looks so good.

  2. Filipina Multitasker
    Filipina Multitasker says:

    this is an easy to follow recipe. I like the idea of starting to use our instant pot to save some of time and use it on YT hehe.
    I did not know we can add milk. looks so yummy, with rice and corn on the side. Super like 18

  3. Den The cockeyed camper
    Den The cockeyed camper says:

    I can see now that watching your cooking video's is not good for my diet. Looks good you know I can test any food for you and give a thumps up or down. We hope your tomorrow is better than your today was.

  4. Jeepers Delight
    Jeepers Delight says:

    Jason here Mama!
    Hope you are well!!
    OMG, "you had me at pork". Lol!
    I do a pork roast in a dutch oven over camp fire when I travel/camp. I will def try this next time I'm out!!


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