Rice pudding using an Instant Pot

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

For part 2 of our Do-it-Yourself series, we head over to Food Blogger Joanie Simon’s kitchen to find out how she uses her Instant Pot that you may not have even …

12 replies
  1. Lisa Santoso
    Lisa Santoso says:

    My favorite new kitchen appliance.>>>ur2.pl/1046 Between this and my air fryer you practically can cook everything. I love that you can sear meat and then pressure cook it rather that dirty another pan searing and adding to a crock pot. I have already given out many as gifts. It’s the perfect wedding, new baby, and off to college gift!

  2. Tom Jennings
    Tom Jennings says:

    Everyone obviously has their own system but I agree that "boiled" eggs in the instant pot is the BEST! My instant pot experience is a bit different, however. I add hot water to my instant pot, set it on manual for zero minutes and then pressure release after 2 minutes of "warming" cycle. This gives you a boiled egg with a yolk almost totally liquid. Pressure release after 4 minutes gives you a moist, "wet" yolk. If you want hard-boiled eggs, set on manual for 1 minute and pressure release after 2 minutes of "warming cycle". I love how you can consistently get whatever type of boiled egg that you want.


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