Revero Carnivore Community Meeting with Sally K. Norton

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Sally K Norton is a leader, teacher, and coach serving people in need of oxalate-aware eating and support for healing chronic health conditions naturally.

16 replies
  1. Quieta Brock
    Quieta Brock says:

    Thank you for having Sally on – I am one of the oxylate poisoned- I got really sick after going carnivore- luckily I discovered Sally and found out what was wrong – this topic needs to be included more often in the carniverse – I see too many people deciding low carbon zero carb isnt for them because it makes their symptoms worse instead of better like the wonderful success stories we all hear that make us want to do this WOE in the first place! Coaches please refrain from encouraging people to just dive right into carnivore– instead, find out if your clients are oxylate eaters and if they are or have been, they should be taught Sally's method of first gradually easing into a low carb diet and then slowing the dumping by rotating in a few oxylate containing foods every 2-3 days. Also, you should know that "keto flu" or adjustment periods may not be just from our bodies learning to be fat adapted- all of those symptoms can be oxylate dumping. I am 14 months carnivores and still experiencing heavy symptoms- but I know this is the right way to go because I found out about oxylates.

  2. Jchathe
    Jchathe says:

    Great interview, thank you so much for posting. When I went carnivore (90 percent) 2 years ago I went cold turkey, pardon the pun :), and suffered horrendous aches and pains in joints where I previously had accidents or issues. It went on for 4 months or more but I stuck to it and I seem to have normalised now with only occasional, milder flare ups. It was totally worth the transition, just be aware that you may need support as it leaves the system, imho.

  3. Where Is Your Faith? ~ luke 8:25
    Where Is Your Faith? ~ luke 8:25 says:

    Love Sally! Thanks, Shawn, for the interview. After listening to Sally's talks and using her list, and going mostly carnivore, i have very white crystals that come out of my skin and are hard and sharp and can't be crushed. I'm sure they're oxalates. After giving up a fav=peanut butter, then having some on a whim, the next day one knee was in serious pain out of nowhere. I believe it was the peanut butter and am reminded to avoid it, love it as I do. I stopped the pb and no more knee pain. Thanks, Sally, for your insights and hard work.

  4. pixelkat1819
    pixelkat1819 says:

    Interesting info concerning dental health and oxalates. After many years of multi daily intake of smoothies loaded with spinach, kale and almond milk I had major tarter/perio issues. This has now involved into major, painful cleanings. Initially I finally stopped smoothie intake because of painful gerd issues.
    I’m now interested in the overall health of the health/smoothie devotees after all these years. The popular family who wrote books on the benefits of spinach smoothies?…dont hear from them anymore. Interesting. Thanks for this additional info Sally.

    Also…high vitamin C – along with increased intake of kiwi and pomegranate was recommended to me when my dental issues started getting worse. If this info is correct it actually caused more damage. sigh


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