Results I got VS. Results I'd hoped for || Oct. Challenge Complete #WellnessWednesday #rosaca

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Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:39 Final Weigh-in 2:38 Results from the challenge 2:51 Results I’d wished for from the challenge 4:33 What now? Find me on …

25 replies
  1. Amanda RGR
    Amanda RGR says:

    Actually, that looks exactly like the rosacea I had, not acne, and it needs to be treated by a dermatologist. Nothing "natural" or diet related that I tried helped at all. The cause was a mystery, I never had it before age 60, but it was cured in 1 month of antibiotics and Metrocream. I keep some cream around just in case I flare up again, but I haven't.

  2. Thp III
    Thp III says:

    Your rosacea has been getting more prevalent all month , I think it’s something in the plant based creamers, almond milk is also bad for that if you’re sensitive to it. Maybe it’s time to try ghee in your coffee 98% dairy free but non inflammatory

  3. Mo Mapes
    Mo Mapes says:

    I also have had rosacea in the past and got rid of it with nutrition. I have not had it in 15 years BUT I got it back and finally realized it is coming in waves and it corresponds with the Covid vaccine! It took me awhile but my Hashimotos doctor agrees- he is seeing it a lot. UGH! I believe it is traveling thru my Vegas nerve and your face is usually where it comes out. I'm now on a strict elimination diet for 90- days but it is not helping with the redness and breakouts. I guess I have to just let it go the course and work it's way out of my system. It kind of sucks to have an autoimmune disease- you never know what is going to hit you. Thank you for your video, Nili……

  4. BriarRose
    BriarRose says:

    You are very kind to share your kitties with us even if we have our own. The appetite for cuteness can be rather LARGE 🤣 and there is no harm in it, unless one say, becomes a crazy cat lady. Hehe!
    Congrats on the health gains! That is always fabulous!!

  5. truecourse47
    truecourse47 says:

    I first began to have rosaca over 20 years ago and the dermatoligist perscriptions were zero help. I did my own research and got some sulfur soap which cleared it up almost immediately. For the last 2+ decades I used Sal soap (SAL3 Soap – Advanced 10% sulphur, 3% salicylic acid), which I bought both from them directly and later from amazon. Unfortunately they appear to have gone out of business and I am down to my last bar (yikes!) I haven't been able to find a replacement yet, at a price I want to pay. There is one listed on amazon but it is scented (the other brand was not) and it's 2x the cost, so I'm hesitant to try it. I also suspect it is probably made in china whereas the was I have been using was made here in the USA.

    I remember too finding a list of foods that can aggravate rosaca but the only one I can remember is tuna. Although the dermatolgist claimed that it wasn't irelated to anything I was eating the interweb said otherwise.

    Good luck and I hope you find a solution that works for you.

  6. Stephanie Simmons
    Stephanie Simmons says:

    Congratulations for hitting under 150! It’s always hard for me when I’m near my cycle as well and I find it harder to be able to do PSMF near that time so now when I’m near that time of the month I listen to my body and if I need to stay regular keto I do and if I can do PSMF I also do! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Robin Beers
    Robin Beers says:

    Have you seen Dr. Berry's video on rosacea? Worth a watch. That is something he dealt with personally.
    I also think that the general state of health/permeability of your gut has a lot to do with how you react to things such as dairy. When I first started this (1/1/2009) I couldn't eat any dairy without getting stuffed up sinuses and puffy hands and feet. Now that doesn't happen anymore. It is awesome.

  8. Amanda H
    Amanda H says:

    Have you tried low dose Naltrexone for the autoimmune tendencies that come with rosacea? A doctor would need to prescribe it. My functional medicine doctor is using it with my son's eczema and my fibromyalgia.

  9. patricia murray
    patricia murray says:

    Congratulations on your progress. I'm not really sure what my weight goal is either. I weighed in at 165 last Saturday, down from 192, and like yourself I can't wait to get into the 150's. My problem is sleeping through the night. You mentioned you used sleep supplements, can you tell me which ones. Thanks.

  10. cerealnana
    cerealnana says:

    I have multiple food intolerances and rosacea. The worst for me is chocolate/cocoa, but I have also reacted to coconut. Anything high in nickel. Everyone can always tell when I've had cocoa as I become blister-face.


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