Relationship Status Quos || Father Knows Something Podcast

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Welcome back to Father Knows Something! Real People. Real Stories. Real Dad advice with a dash of ADHD, and maybe a …

26 replies
  1. @Rockinashy
    @Rockinashy says:

    Story 2: I’m exmormon, and as someone who has been both in a high demand religion and out of it, I feel like there’s a little more to think about than just sex before marriage. Like Morgan said, mixed religion relationships can be very hard. I would 100% be sure you guys are in the same place before moving forward. What if he wants to get married in a temple, meaning that you’d have to convert to his religion? I am curious maybe on why he believes that sex should be saved for marriage and why oral sex is okay. Anyway, just something to think about because morals and values are deep rooted in religion.

  2. @adriandaniels1
    @adriandaniels1 says:

    I really really disagree with the butterflies thing. I think you SHOULD be excited about your partner. I've been with people who have caused me anxiety, and I have been with people who caused me butterflies. The ones where I had butterflies, there were anxious moments but that was due to arguments with the fear of a breakup. Otherwise, it was fun and a best friend and genuine looking forward and happiness while with them. I do understand that it's not a long term thing ( honeymoon effect and everything), but if you don't have it, then I don't personally think it will last that long. Butterflies is what keeps it going and you learn about one another to see if it can go the distance. I do think young people need to understand it will not last forever so they're not confused when they're not feeling those anymore and it's now the next stage of the relationship.

  3. @Afterthesunrises
    @Afterthesunrises says:

    For the first story – something similar happened with me. The relationship didn’t work out because the idea he had of me in his head from when he was a kid wasn’t reality and he couldn’t cope with that. The idea of having me was better than having me. The relationship ended quickly and destroyed the friend group.

  4. @brigzbee2303
    @brigzbee2303 says:

    1st story DONT DO IT! DONT DO IIITT!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm 22f with 28m with parents who also has been with him for 3 years and who's parents also didn't like him for the first 2.5 years (not because truly him but because I didn't feel comfortable having my parents around him -my parents aren't in a healthy place mentally so I don't bring him around often-)

    The 20m is being disrespectful. I've had guys say the same thing… all of them cheated. Please don't do it. He might not cheat but he was disrespectful enough to put that thought in your head while you're in a relationship.

    Don't ruin what you have Justin IS right it IS rare. Oh my god please don't be tempted by 20m.

  5. @ksyurevvo7733
    @ksyurevvo7733 says:

    Story 3: from my own experience, situatuinships is the result of low self esteem, it’s when you settling on those things you don’t actually want, and guys can feel it, so when you have low self esteem you will only attract this kind of guys that want to take advantage of you

    my advice: define your clear boundaries to not giving any girlfriend treatment before the guy won’t do any real effort into your dating, and be strict to it to not cross, and, second: explore yourself in dates and in general, do some new hobbies, sport, try to get yourself out for you, not for meeting potential boyfriend, you need to let go the desperation, believe me, I know that, bcz had pretty same problems on my 20-s, and if you feel that you don’t have power to do all this maybe personal therapy, its very helpful

    love yourself, you worth of the best treatment

    sorry, if my comment isn’t clear enough, english is not my first language

  6. @Tulip97
    @Tulip97 says:

    Story 2. My husband and I both waited for marriage (muslims) Trust me you dont need to try everything to have a sexually fulfilled marriage. You can learn everything together and have a great sex life! Noone is born a pro on that side. You both need to communicate and be sexually positive when you get married and explore everything. If you feel like you absolutely cant marry someone that you havent had sex with then he isnt your person marry someone that will 🙂 you have to judge how important that is for you and if your values align.

  7. @biitchstix
    @biitchstix says:

    Story 2 hot take but if you break up with someone ONLY because you can't 'test drive' them like a damn car you need to re-evaluate your priorities. You should def break up but goddamn.

  8. @ismarfs8643
    @ismarfs8643 says:

    I came to comment on the first story but I’m glad moat people are giving the opposite side. If you leave because of the what ifs, don’t expect to go back to your happy relationship. The crush is 100% being disrespectful to your relationship by constantly bringing this up to friends for years and even coming up to you saying “we CAN make this work” while you are still in a relationship which you claim is great. I agree that if you’re hesitant, just go for it because I also don’t think it’s really fair for your bf to be with someone who will constantly think of another man as the one that got away or the “what if”. If your boyfriend is nice enough and waits for you, great, but I doubt it especially with your family also starting to team up against your boyfriend and saying they suddenly don’t like him and are cheering for the crush. 🙁

  9. @hannalikespoost
    @hannalikespoost says:

    For Story 4– I missed it, how old is OP? OP's mom definitely sounds like textbook enmeshment but a 12-year age gap definitely makes me raise my eyebrows, no matter HOW they met. However, 12-years' gap between a 60 year-old and a 72 year-old is different. If OP's prefrontal cortex still isn't fully developed (which it's not done cooking until 25!) then it's a no from me, dog.

  10. @paulamarshall3810
    @paulamarshall3810 says:

    Story 1 I had a relationship like this when I was 22. I found myself being attracted to a man that I had known for quite awhile and my parents loved him him. They didn’t like my partner but I stayed in the relationship but that did eventually breakdown. I ended up dating the other guy and it was the worst relationship I ever had! It didn’t live up to the expectations .

  11. @ilipulgar2925
    @ilipulgar2925 says:

    story 1: omg the calm male take is crazy. they don’t see bills crazy obsession? he’s infatuated. none of his other relationships worked because of his obsession? that’s weird
    she’s going to break up with her seemingly nice bf and be madly disappointed.
    and Bills obsession will either crash with his own disappointment. she’s not what he’s been imagining for years. or he’ll do something crazy like lock her in the basement!

  12. @zulu32656
    @zulu32656 says:

    Story 3: You’re still young so don’t feel rushed. Take your time to get to know someone slow, that builds into something deeper. Also take a look at who you are choosing to date. You may find your picker is picking the wrong kind of guy. The wrong type of guy will never settle down easily. Best advice in all of it is to take things slowly so you can build a loving relationship or so the wrong ones can fall away without hurting your heart.


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