Red beans and rice | Southern U.S. style

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24 replies
  1. Ruby Mouzon
    Ruby Mouzon says:

    We don't put onions or celery in beans or COLLARD greens in the SOUTH? Our grandmothers did have that type of stuff, They had FATBACK or BUTTMEAT or BACON GREASE.

  2. Ruby
    Ruby says:

    This is an Insta Pot Recipe of an Indian version of Red beans and Rice:
    Soaked kidney beans overnight
    In Sautee Mode: Heat some oil and put in your chopped onions (around half an onion or a small onion). In the onions, put in half teaspoon of ginger-garlic paste, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 2 half-teaspoons of red chilli powder (if you don't want it spicy, then half a teaspoon is fine), some salt to your desire. After the onions are soft and translucent, put in chopped tomatoes (around 1 tomato), sautee til the tomatoes are soft and mushy. Put in your kidney beans now (just the kidney beans not with water). Sautee for a good 2 minutes. Put in about 1 and a half cups of water and put the setting into chilli bean and cook for 30 mins or pressure cook till 20 mins. After that, garnish with some chopped coriander and voila!!

  3. Vaiquedabom
    Vaiquedabom says:

    Beans, the Brazilian way.
    Cook your beans with a small amount of annatto (we don't use paprika on our beans in Brazil).
    Finely chop a tomato and onion.
    Add a spoonful (or more) of garlic paste. To do it you add garlic, salt, (you can add basil or other herbs) and blend or smash it (you can store it in your fridge for weeks and we use it for everything).
    Add Olive or vegetable oil to a pan, your garlic paste, tomato and onion, let it brown SLIGHTLY, then add your beans with the broth, let it simmer on low heat, taste it to see if you need more garlic paste and voilá! The best beans EVER!

  4. Fiveinsanekids 23
    Fiveinsanekids 23 says:

    celery? from Louisiana you say? I think you mean onions cuz that's the three I have watched everyone I know cook with ion know a person that using celery but it may just be the part of Louisiana I'm from

  5. Stewie
    Stewie says:

    I find that eating beans regularly gets the GI tract used to beans and less gas is produced. My bean of choice is pinto but I want to try these out.

  6. Deanna Spencer
    Deanna Spencer says:

    All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands of Dried Bean Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Bernard Krieger
    Bernard Krieger says:

    I love all kinds of beans! The red kidney beans are my favorite! Rice with beans are a nice mixture too with pinches of garlic for an appetizer washed down with chilled prune juice as a side beverage.

  8. Lademoiselle Ketoret
    Lademoiselle Ketoret says:

    Why do some people always feel the need to disparage other people in regard to how they cook? I think people have watched too many Chef shows and think everything is a competition. The amount of aggression and ungratefulness displayed online is really stunning. I’m thankful many of us still can afford to make beans and rice. What a blessing. Thank you God. It’s great some ppl do this “faster” in a pressure cooker. Wonderful. You know what else is great? Knowing how to cook something like this without electricity. That’s a blessing. It’s not a competition people. God blessed the earth with a stunning array of things we can eat. Be thankful. Be thankful this guy decided to share what he enjoys. Instead of seeing it as some kind of international roller derby, see it as a way to add to your tool box of culinary skill. Some people are lifetime students and enjoy learning different things just because it is a pleasure for them. They enjoy connecting with ppl thru learning. Other ppl go thru life with a perpetual cloud and feel the need to cut down everything in front of them. For shame. Sad for you. I hope you can come into some semblance of peace and maturity in your life one day soon. Maybe then, someone will value what you have to share and rejoice with you in it. Blessings. 🙏🏽

  9. Iffy Fox
    Iffy Fox says:

    I don't get what everyone's problem with beans is. I eat beans all the time, yet everyone around me seems to hate it. Oh well, guess it's a mystery


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