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Welcome to Feeding the Byrds! Today we have some great recipes with ranch seasoning mix. These little ranch packets are so …

37 replies
  1. Jeanie Wooten
    Jeanie Wooten says:

    🏵question🌼(not a food question)
    What had been your favorite mother's day gift ? What items makes your job as a mom easier ? Do you have a favorite perfume,body spray, and lotions ? Mother's Day is right around the corner and I need some gift ideas. Currently in my family we have a couple of new mommas. I hope it was OK to ask these questions here. It get would great to see a video on this.
    . Thank you.

  2. Venus Gal
    Venus Gal says:

    Only 1/2 way through and already may try the chicken packet but I'm more apt to do it as a sheet pan probably than a packet just because I like some browning on things but I imagine it makes things nice and tender and flavors meld nicely in the foil.

    In my lifetime, a cooked carrot has been about my least favorite vegetable but it is funny how we change and lately I've really gotten to like a cooked carrot in a way I never had.

    So I'm going to try the carrots. I like ranch but I'm not the ranch on everything fan that the 30 somethings on down generations are lol but I've never tried it on carrots (just dip of course with raw) but I'm game. I'm older, ranch is not my go to but for some things yes. But I love that you use the big carrots and I so agree on that one!! I don't bother with those baby carrots and used to buy them (convenient, peeled, reasonable) until after it had been awhile and I went back to the big ones and realized just how superior they really are. i have had baby carrots that won't even cook to less than harder than a rock after a LONG time in the oven. And the flavor. Yep. Big ones always from hereon out.

    Now I'm going to go watch the rest of your video… 🙂


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