Recipes for Your Leftover Traeger Pulled Pork

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What to do with all that leftover Traeger smoked pulled pork? Try our recipes for pozole, barbeque, nachos, and quesadillas and …

9 replies
  1. Gertrudys Canales
    Gertrudys Canales says:

    Tacos (nicaraguan style)
    1-Sauté onions peppers 🫑 and tomatoes in a skillet and add the cooked meat.
    2-season with mustard, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce.
    3-assemble your tacos in a (handmade) corn tortilla – put some meat in one side and roll-it-up. You need to put the tortillas in the microwave for 30 seconds to make them pliable.
    4-deep fry in corn oil, drain.
    5-serve with shredded cabbage/vinegar/ and sour cream (nicaraguan, Central American or mexican) and gallo pinto (that’s another story).
    Enjoy and repeat.

  2. Mary Tramp
    Mary Tramp says:

    no offense, that many days of pork roast is too much. then throw in the fact that it was all mexican food was WAAAY too much. there was NO variety to it. suggestion here. try doing the same thing but with a variety of foods. and then freeze them you can have a month or in your case 2/3 but still have variety. nobody should have to eat the same thing everyday, just bc they are trying to save money. when i lived on my own i cooked for a week froze single serving dishes then ate for a month and still had leftovers and variety. and never went over my monthly food budget. I still do that for my husband and I now that it's just the 2 of us. And yes, i still put it into single serving containers. that way if i'm feeling indian food and he's feeling like italian we can each have what we want.


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