Recipe: Quinoa Falafel Burgers with Tangy Dill Sauce (Plant-Based, Vegan, Oil-Free)

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26 replies
  1. Joelle
    Joelle says:

    Ooohhh, they sound delicious! I am making wraps for tea so I will have a go at them this afternoon to add to my wrap with salad.
    I’m thinking of trying to recreate a tzatziki by adding cucumber to the dill sauce. Thank you! X

  2. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    These look so yummy! I have everything but the chickpea flour. Do you think any flour would work? I can’t wait to try them. I am really trying to switch more of my meals to plant-based. 😊

  3. shortgirl65
    shortgirl65 says:

    This looks delish! I will have to make this… I think I have just about everything in the pantry and frig…

    Jessica, you are absolutely right about enjoying the "burger" for what it is. No matter how tasty a homemade vegan-friendly burger is, expecting it to to taste like meat is a set up for disappointment for those who want meat.

  4. Gina
    Gina says:

    Hi Krocks in the Kitcjen! Great recipe! I’ve been wanting some scoops and not sure which sizes to get. Was this scoop part of the set in your Amazon store?

  5. Dawn Navarra
    Dawn Navarra says:

    I cannot wait to try these! I love falafel and, I already have most of the ingredients on hand, win win!

    Best line ever…Enjoy these for what they are. It's not meat people. 😂😂😂

  6. John Warner
    John Warner says:

    Interestingly we have a Turkish community
    in Bielefeld and the way they serve falafels
    is more flattened and like small burgers.
    I was used to them being little balls
    so I imagine both are options.

    I bought what I call an ice-cream scoop
    only when I started my whole-food plant based journey
    and use it for portioning burgers, falafels etc.

    I associate dill weed with potatoes
    so I suspect a creamy dill sauce might work well
    in a potato salad or as a sauce over twice cooked potatoes
    (steamed followed by air-fried)


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