Recipe for Hungarian Mushroom Soup | Instant Pot

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Hungarian Mushroom Soup — Delicious creamy and comforting soup for a cold winter’s day. This may not be authentic but it’s very tasty! Recipe: Hungarian …

29 replies
  1. Judy Hotchkiss
    Judy Hotchkiss says:

    Another winner Jill. My husband, who hates all mushrooms had 2 bowls. Says he can’t stand the sponge like texture. It makes him gag. But purée that fungus and all is well. Delicious. Thank you.

  2. Kayra Tisdell
    Kayra Tisdell says:

    I just bought 3lbs of baby bella mushrooms, im so exagerated! and im now between making this or a reg cream of mushroom soup. Either one doesnt require that much and my husband a 4yo son dont like mushrooms, so yeah more for me! Lol
    You are adorable! And i love how your husband is involved

  3. Maura
    Maura says:

    I love this soup with smoked paprika. Sweet paprika can be too sweet, or otherwise weak-tasting. I find the smoked variety gives this soup a nice rustic flavor.

  4. dana
    dana says:

    I just made this! Wow, I love this soup. Also making your no-knead whole wheat bread. I hope I can save some of this soup to go with the bread!

  5. Donna Poirier
    Donna Poirier says:

    I just made this and Oh my goodness. So good! I did add real sour cream and blended all the mushrooms up. Couldn't be any easier or more delicious! Who needs canned cream o mush when you can whip this up in an instant, thank you!

  6. Judith Loue
    Judith Loue says:

    I saw "Hungarian" and "mushroom"……and was hooked. I remember making Mushroom Paprikash as a vegetarian entree, a couple of years ago (it was a success!!) to show some people that meat isn't always necessary. I hope mushrooms are on sale, soon, because I want to try this soup. Thumbs Up!!

  7. CR1545
    CR1545 says:

    yummy..I had tried that a few months ago at the Depot Deli here in Ames Iowa i decided i have to make it myself someday i still have not made any but it is good.


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