Recipe – Chocolate Mustard Beef Stew – ChefSteps

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There’s something admittedly warm and fuzzy about spending an entire Sunday cooking up a good beef stew, but with the right recipe, stews are no longer …

27 replies
  1. Saptarshi
    Saptarshi says:

    Making this right now. The local butcher didn't have oxtail, so I went with short ribs instead. Have been wanting to make this for a long time. I miss these kind of videos from you guys.

  2. Denzel Andrew
    Denzel Andrew says:

    Alternatively, for similar if not better results, cook the meats sous vide at 70- 75C for tender but firm texture or 75- 80C for fall apart braisey texture. Both cooked at 24- 48 hours. For the veg I'd say 90C for an hour or two. Hope this helps

  3. Rohan Orton
    Rohan Orton says:

    Interesting recipe. Tried it last night, but didn't turn out quite how i expected. It was super chocolatey and bitter. My partner loved it, thankfully, but I found it inedible. Might try again in future with about a tenth of the chocolate.

  4. David Johnson
    David Johnson says:

    I accidentlied almost this exact recipe a few years back. What my recipe lacks in leeks, it makes up for with myrtlewood leaves which add a distinct deep herby peppery flavor.

    If the ChefSteps team wants to give this a try I will happily send some fresh myrtlewood leaves your way. We have plenty of it in Southern Oregon.

  5. styledliving
    styledliving says:

    Oxtails yes, this is why I prefer using ethnically appropriate chinese meat cleavers.

    get your badass on, go to chinatown and pickup a $10 dollar stainless cleaver and use a underside of a rice bowl to sharpen it.

    speaking of which, an improvised knife sharpening class could be useful :3

  6. RubyTortoise
    RubyTortoise says:

    Have you guys ever heard of using gelatin to thicken stews instead of flour? It tastes cleaner and makes the stew really lip-smacky and viscous! I'm definitely still going to try this recipe though, oxtails are my FAVE

  7. Ensj
    Ensj says:

    As an Asian, I'm curious: How would you go about eating this? Do you eat this with bread or something, or just eat the stew by itself as a meal? The first thing that comes in my mind is having rice with that stew, lol.


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