Realistic what I eat in a day as a healthy vegan

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Hi Friends, here’s another video for you guys. Here’s a realistic what I eat in a day using up the stuff we have in our fridge since …

8 replies
  1. Karen
    Karen says:

    Wow congrats on two lovely meals! 🎉🎉 that sushi looks yummy. I had no idea about the soy alternative wraps. Will you be sharing a recipe for the tofu dish in the future? It looked really good.

    Regarding the funk you were in, don’t forget your hormones are still changing after your pregnancy. It takes time for them to “get back to normal” and also you are in a period of adjustment living in a new place. I remember how excited I was to move to Florida and to explore all those new places, but I found myself feeling “blah” for periods at a time also. I think it’s just part of the adjustment period. Sending you lots of hugs! Not every day will be a smiley happy day and that’s ok.❤

    I laughed at Victor making his comments in the background. So cute! Xx

  2. Elizabeth
    Elizabeth says:

    That scramble looks great! I always use frozen greens in my smoothie, usually banana, strawberry, greens, vanilla, milk, stevia. I've tried cauliflower in smoothies and oatmeal and don't like the taste.

  3. Laura Castillejos
    Laura Castillejos says:

    The sweet potato sushi looks so good! YUM! How do you spell Lini? Is that right? She is such a doll! ❤You've gone through some big changes over the last couple of months. The Lord will see you through 🙏🏼 Thanks for the video, Milly!

  4. anabel polanco
    anabel polanco says:

    Awww getting in a funk is totally normal and happens. Especially when you’ve had so many changes to adjust to. Also make sure your filling your cup and taking time to do thing for yourself. I know having a little one and being a stay home mom makes it hard but definitely take an hour or 2 to get your nails done, hair done or any other self care things you enjoy. ❤

  5. C K
    C K says:

    Girl I cannot relate to not finishing a cup of coffee lol. I'm obsessed with coffee and I drink multiple cups a day! I have to stop myself from drinking more coffee later in the day or else I won't sleep 😬 If I could drink coffee instead of water though, I totally would 😂

  6. Beth Ann
    Beth Ann says:

    I misunderstood and commentented Happy birthday to the baby 😂 I'm a few months off. Love the video, and you convinced me to get the always pan. I'm going to order it in May 🙂

  7. Rachel Brown
    Rachel Brown says:

    Love your sweet little family! Thanks for the tip about the soy wrappers. Didn't know there was such a thing and have already order some on Amazon. Always look forward to your videos.

  8. Brit
    Brit says:

    I’m glad you’re feeling better. I know when I was a stay at home mom it was so hard. I’m more of a social being and only seeing my husband and child was difficult. You’ll find the right groove if not you can also make a doctors appointment.

    I too am not a fan of nutritional yeast when it’s supposed to be “cheese” but as a spice it’s pretty good. It’s really good in mashed potatoes.


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