REALISTIC Extreme Budget Family Meal Plan // Weekly Budget Meal Plan

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40 replies
  1. Rachel Resets
    Rachel Resets says:

    Love this! I love all the variety you have while still being budget conscious but getting some of those splurge items, like the smores, that help make the budget sustainable. Well done! Please do more like these!

  2. Wanda Montgomery
    Wanda Montgomery says:

    I love using Rhodes frozen bread. I make homemade pepperoni rolls and pizza with it.

    I can never seem to make "bread" with it as after it comes out of oven it kind of deflates when I slice it. 🤷‍♀️

    Cinnamon rolls look awesome

  3. TutuluvsMinnie
    TutuluvsMinnie says:

    I enjoy all your videos. I am amazed at the lower end budget ones. I spend from middle to upper end of that budget you mentioned. I like you recipes and use them with name brand products and some higher priced cuts of meat. I have to admit i never use a crock pot but use dutch ovens instead.

  4. Dina Loomis
    Dina Loomis says:

    Love these videos! Our grocery budget is 130-150/week here in Wisconsin for our family of four. Your suggestions are very helpful and relatable 👍🏻

  5. Teresa Richardson
    Teresa Richardson says:

    I live on ssi disability and I only get 228 a month for snap benefits in arkansas. It's really hard buying food for that amount. My son is also on disability and he only gets 80 dollars a month for snap. It's rea)y hard eating on our income.

  6. R MS
    R MS says:

    The math isn't right in that chart, if you multiply the per week allowance times 4 weeks, it comes out to less than what they list. Why?

  7. Vic
    Vic says:

    The USDA rec is hilarious to me. I have a family 5 (two adults and three under 6) and our SNAP benefits are only $540 a month 😅

  8. Kristen DeMatte
    Kristen DeMatte says:

    Love this! But I also miss watching you cook- I have learned so much by watching your play by play cooking. Often you’re video is cooking with me as I’m cooking for my family… play, pause, cook. Play, pause, cook. Etc

    Thank you for making inspirational videos for us!

  9. Lisa Zimmerman
    Lisa Zimmerman says:

    The USDA budget guidelines are insane to me! I don't think I have ever spent so much for our groceries. We currently have 5 adults living at home (2 college age kids and our oldest, who's 26). We are usually around $300 for two weeks. Maybe $350-$375 if we splurge. AND I have to buy gluten free items for our youngest, and dairy free for me.


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