Real Life MEAL PREPPING for a Family

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We’ve added a lot of our favorite kitchen products, including our dehydrator, canner, and small gadgets to our Amazon store, …

34 replies
  1. Maria Madalina Lucanu
    Maria Madalina Lucanu says:

    It's incredibile to watch this video and to listen you talking. As soon as you say a difficult/thing you are going through (not getting so much done as you hoped for,etc) , you immediately say something you are grateful for, aka finding the positive in everything! It is so encouraging!!! Thank you!🙏❤

  2. Karmini Mohan
    Karmini Mohan says:

    Blows my mind on how you manage to get things done with 11-kids, the bread making, canning, dehydrating, etc. Super mama. Also meal prepping is the best to stay on top of meals for the week.

  3. Whittnee Collins
    Whittnee Collins says:

    I've been watching your channel for a few years now and I can't tell you how much I enjoy it. I have 3 babies (10,5,2months) and I am amazed how calm you are. Love the videos with all the real life going on in the background or kidos coming up. Can't tell you how much your videos make my day.

  4. Amy Aydt
    Amy Aydt says:

    I appreciate the real life sprinkled in the video! I always feel defeated seeing large families cranking out videos and working when I just work and have a few step kids and feel like I would never have the time to edit stuff lol

  5. Rayshele Kerrigan
    Rayshele Kerrigan says:

    Thank you for your videos!!! I've been watching for years and love the example that you are to other momma's. We are the same age and I have 4 kiddos. I love how you try to see the positive that you've done for the day especially when you don't hit your daily goals. I struggle in this area. You are a good reminder for me and I appreciate that as well as everything you share with us. Many blessings to you and your family!!!


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