reading my hate comments spaghetti bolognese uk mukbang

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41 replies
  1. Eat with Coral Blush
    Eat with Coral Blush says:

    The mean comments off people who we will never meet in our lives mean absolute zero🔘I’m more interested in what the people who actually know me has to say, everyone else, well, that’s just their unhappiness showing, and let’s not forget they obviously lead absolutely pristine lifestyles to have such opinions🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣they need to zip it🤐, keep being you dean🥰

  2. Ibo
    Ibo says:

    Everyone that makes content gets hate we all know that but your case is a bit different you have given us a lot of personal information about yourself which im sure now you wish you never did. İts no ones business what income support you receive or what your housing situation is, if the government have approved you to receive all of that then it's done. Onto the fat comments, you knew those would be a thing because every mukbanger that is on the heavy side gets the same hate, ah I care about you stop eating bad like mate piss off its the backhanded comments that are the worst. So my genuine advice to you is literally don't give any of them the time of day and once they see that the paragraphs they write doesn't get a response from the creator they'll wait for other people to react so the best is to just remove it, you've always been a person to say everyone has their own opinion but for 3 years all you've done is repeat yourself to people that don't matter. İt also affects the channel because the upload schedule messes up. There is a reason why a lot of channels remove comments you should too and just stop being the person that people can just hate on. People say ignore them and dont give the time of day its not easy to do that so just delete the comments and maybe stop sharing personal information like how is someone in the comment section asking if you report your income like bro who do you think you are. İ promise you its the same people that claim themselves and just want to feel like they don't by making comments. İts no ones business but yours.

  3. Leo the Leopard
    Leo the Leopard says:

    My opinion, people who take time out of their lives to leave hurtful comments are lost and unloved, your content is pure and fun. Let the haters do what they will always do. Don’t lose heart and keep going✅

  4. Hannah Quinn
    Hannah Quinn says:

    hi Dean horrible people with nasty comments rise above it your doing incredibly well through your illness I love your videos and food looks delicious hope your having a great day and hope you have a fantastic weekend best wishes and continued success from Glasgow pouring down here just now

  5. Lisa DwithollieandE
    Lisa DwithollieandE says:

    People love to judge. I too have similar arthritic issues and I watch my MUM cry everyday from these pains. I once Ran restaurants and now can barely walk and so few people understand. I would just tell those judgemental dicks to f@#k off.😉

  6. Ziggy
    Ziggy says:

    Losing weight doesn't mean your healthy. The amount of unhealthy junk food you shovel in your face will have an adverse effect on your heart/blood etc. The medical conditions you already have aint gonna be helped by all your junk food intake

  7. Stacey
    Stacey says:

    I feel like this video needed to be made and you made it perfectly by just being your usual lovely, truthful and honest self. I enjoy your channel very much.

  8. BeckyJessieJayde
    BeckyJessieJayde says:

    They're extremely Jealous because you can make money just by eating 😂…they could do the same if they made effort but they'd rather bully instead to boost their weird egos. I think i might start doing the same as you tbh could do with the extra money and I love food 😂

  9. jayde malone
    jayde malone says:

    Ignore the haters there just sad lonely with there own life pithetic because there life fucked they take out others your response is brilliant and so true.i dont work i use to my mental health exietey autism and i have severe athritis in my back knees im on alot medication its hard walking just to my local shop is hard i truley feel for you those idiots really dont have fucking clue im getting wound up 😂 as i say KARMA is a BITCH 🙌 evrey DOG gets there day x

  10. Jay Leigh
    Jay Leigh says:

    I’ve been watching your channel for a while now Dean, and I can understand why people do it. It’s because they are narcissist and have personal issues. That being said… “so to speak” they seems to thrive on putting others down. You are a really nice guy from what I see, and you seem kind and down to earth. I’m afraid some people in the world can’t handle others being successful. It’s a great shame and I wish them well.

    I personally love it when you upload and enjoy watching. Thank goodness YouTube stop the “nasty” getting through.

    Big hug 😊

  11. lifeguard2564
    lifeguard2564 says:

    Interesting. I MUST be a doctor to be privvy to the fact NHS is on its knees and has been for years. But it seems soft lads like you end up with a bed immediately where as the dear old lady who worked 65 years is left to suffer in an A&E corridor with a broken hip. But I don't know anything do I? I see evidence in front of me of your poor decisions on food and I'm very doubtful you eat super healthy off camera. And if you're losing weight, turn around and I'm sure you'll find it.

  12. United’s football vlogs
    United’s football vlogs says:

    at the end of the day this is you’re channel you do you because you enjoy it not what other people think, I get negative comments on my channel but that doesn’t stop me continuing to do what I extremely enjoy doing because I don’t have the time for negativity I don’t have the time for it so don’t let one tiny little comment bring you down because it’s not worth it.


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