Raw Kidney, @VeganGains Appearance, Exercise for Men Versus Women, Frozen Meat

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38 replies
  1. Sandra Hallman
    Sandra Hallman says:

    JOEY!!!! But you did have a choice! We always have a choice! Learn the law! I know hundreds of people who were told they didn’t have a choice to get the jab but guess what! They didn’t get the jab and they also got to do what they were told they wouldn’t be able to do without it! It’s called law! A raw meat eating man should have the balls to stand up and be a man and say no while upholding their God-given rights! How did this happen?!?!!?
    You even have Peggy Hall of the Healthy American right there in Orange County near you who has helped so many people, including students say no thank you to the offer of the jab, and not get denied any thing from the schools. It’s always an offer! Nothing is mandatory! IT’S ALWAYS AN OFFER…you just have to respond with conditional acceptance which will always make them back down and run away with their tails between their legs.

  2. Mike Hunt
    Mike Hunt says:

    Oh wow to say there is an exact way to eat carnivore is pretty stupid ,you do exactly as chaffee and baker says eat any meat you can ,but if you were rich like joey and his California family I'd only eat rib eye

  3. Jorova1
    Jorova1 says:

    I HATE RAW KIDNEY… I’ve tried it smoked and grilled and never again. I also eat raw liver and love it. Can’t eat liver cooked. I tried eating raw steak, but at this point, I’m already depriving myself of the pleasures of sugar addiction, why why why keep myself from the pleasure of a cooked steak? Thanks for what you do!

  4. multitablez
    multitablez says:

    Joey is dead wrong on cold exposure. Cold water baths are excellent. After the cold exposure, you body produces heat and warms up. It works in a similar, but reversed, way as sauna. You want to do 15 minutes of cold exposure per week (total) and about 1 hour of hot exposure per week (total). The cold will make your immune system more resilient, incrase blood circulation through feet and hands, and have a range of other benefits, including making you near immune to most types of cold weather.

  5. PitFitHuntF@n😁
    PitFitHuntF@n😁 says:

    Raw is ok if you are sure of its source. But parasites amd harmful bacteria can be life changing if you roll the dice. If you have the slightest doubt, dont even cook it in cases of certain parasites which Can survive regular cooking and some toxins from bacteria also survive cooking. BE VERY VIGILANT IN EATING RAW MEAT. Some parasites in pork and beef can change your life, in forgot about the details but their is a type of worm in either beef or pork even in cooked meat that can migrate to your brain and cause cognitive issues… a tapeworm larvae can also migrate to other organs and form a dormant cyst which can cause severe complications depending on the organ it lodges too. There is a study that a good majority of people who eat low quality parasite Ridden meat even cooked have these worms in their brain that mess up their reflexes but are otherwise healthy… it has been documented that a good number of people in vehicular accidents have these worms. Whether its meat, fruits, or veggies you eat… make sure its from a good source…. the risk of an all organic source for meat is these parasites… the risk of all organic fruits and veggies too are bacteria and also parasitic eggs left by snails. 😳

  6. Daniel Barber
    Daniel Barber says:

    Do you realise the chances of you getting a girlfriend, with that raw meat on your breath is close to zero.
    You need a vegan girlfriend to rescue you from whT your doing to the animals.

  7. James Jones
    James Jones says:

    I was reminded by Dr Baker a few days ago about Vilhjalmur Stefansson and his meat diet, he mentioned that the organs went to the dogs so I'm pretty happy with my diet being mostly cooked meat and very little organs 🙂

  8. Zig-Zag Wonderer
    Zig-Zag Wonderer says:

    There's honestly no need to eat raw like this. Because Saladino said so? Don't bother man, that dude just want's to sell his friggin liver pills. And unless you have an autoimmune condition, you may not be doing yourself any favors. I treat bipolar with a strict "ketovore" diet but this isn't by choice. Lots of fruits and veggies are delicious and beneficial for many people. This trend of this diet being "optimal" for human health isn't based on hard evidence. You are playing a game of roulette as there are no long term random controlled trials on this. You've got to fight your bias and check out Simon Hill or Nurtrition Made Simple–I know you want to disagree outright, but that's what it means to challenge yourself. I don't mean let go of what you've learned from your exploration of carnivore but NEVER stop fighting to learn and challenge yourself–that means you have to look into content that you may disagree with. This is the biggest mistake we all continue to make, so fighting our own biases and preconceptions is paramount if the end goal is to maximize our knowledge.
    Oh, and strength training and cardio become more and more important as we age!

  9. multitablez
    multitablez says:

    Damn sorry to hear that J had to take the c0v1d v4x. that stuff is poison. There is some risk for heart problems, clots, and turbo cancers. All rare – but well possible. You should look into mitigating the side effects from it, there's plenty of good info out there if you know where to find it.

  10. creative 360
    creative 360 says:

    Man unless you go stay in the coastal area of Granada province, the town itself and the inland in January and the rest of winter is freezing cold. I'm an Italian living in Madrid at the moment, but I'm planning to move out of the craziness and stressful lifestyle of the big city. Maybe I could come meet you when you settle down in the country. Let's keep in touch 👌

  11. Dimitri Radoux
    Dimitri Radoux says:

    It’s definitely not the recent ancestor diet as it takes time to adapt to a novel diet. The 3 diet experiment on multiple generations by Michael Rose showed this quite convincingly. The real ancestral diet did the best, then the recent ancestors diet and the worst was a processed version of that recent one

  12. Veni Vini
    Veni Vini says:

    Doing exercice increase your bone density and longevity, after a certain age your muscle mass quickly decline, the only way you will be able to walk after a certain age is if you trained your muscle. That is bad advice what you are preaching regarding exercice.

  13. Terkel Algevind
    Terkel Algevind says:

    I live in denmark and my energyprice is natlys 1 dollar total per kWh. Cooking a steak and some eggs cost me about 0.8kwh each day, i might hive this raw a go. Can i eat pork raw? Bacon i love raw but what is most easy raw as a noob to veen into i ?

  14. Dom Barton
    Dom Barton says:

    That is correct Joey humans couldnt transport their large kills..so they left it…and returned to camp with whatever they could carry and at a later date returned to collect more..sure its rotting flesh which is precisely why the ph of our stomach is 1.5…to combat the pathogens and to digest the meat.

  15. multitablez
    multitablez says:

    I just ate some raw diced beef for the first time! this live stream inspired me to do it. i had about 3 big strips total. Wasn't too bad. I was able to chew the pieces and swallow in the end. Not sure if it is placebo, but i do feel a sense of energy from it for sure. It's grass fed organic New Zealand beef


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