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20 replies
  1. Amanda Kingsbury
    Amanda Kingsbury says:

    Everyones journey is different. I’m not understanding the reason behind knocking other influencers. Maybe some can eat those “ keto dishes” bc they’ve already met their goal and are in maintenance mode. Also some of us started “keto” to lose weight but don’t have tons to lose. It’s not a one method fits all and if ppl aren’t doing it your way doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Manager of 3Monsters
    Manager of 3Monsters says:

    I wish I could like this video 100x!! This is exactly what I needed to hear & I couldn’t agree more with you.
    Down 121 pounds now…got close to goal and started doing this stuff (adding in the low carb tortillas, making the ‘keto’ recipes, counting only NET CARBS etc etc)
    I believed the wrong information & tried to convince myself “Well it’s keto so it’s fine.”
    Couldn’t have made a worse mistake.

    The 1st 100 pounds, I kept it SO clean & simple.
    Meat, vegetables & water. Counted macros, total carbs, not net.
    The weight & inches not only fell off BUT I felt great, never had hunger or cravings, slept well & was physically, mentally & emotionally on point!

    This last 21 pounds was a CHORE. Such a struggle. Legit put me back months.
    I’m going back to simple immediately!!
    Thank you for this extra incentive🤜🏻💥🤛🏻

  3. Sarah Vazquez
    Sarah Vazquez says:

    Your such an inspiration and motivate me to keep being a better me… your other video when you said find what works for you because being consistent is more important then fad diets really hit… keto is an amazing way of eating but it’s not for me for the rest of my life… I love eating anti inflammatory Whole Foods. I believe food is medicine and choose not to cut out a whole macro nutrient for me it was a hard choice because keto does make you lose weight fast but I know my next journey in life is healing my relationship with food, balancing my hormones, cleansing my life of harmful toxins internal and external, taking care of gut health and moving my body to relieve stress not punish myself. Self care is doing the things that make you feel more like yourself.

  4. IslaSaona1
    IslaSaona1 says:

    This video spoke to me on so many levels. Mostly on the anxiety, the worries and basically just living and not existing. I’ve watched this video 3 times. I can’t wait for your new series.

  5. Dani Marrlo
    Dani Marrlo says:

    Are you able to comment on whether or not you are still taking medication or if you stopped and have implemented these new practices instead? I respect your privacy on this of course but not sure if this is something you’ve mentioned or not.

  6. Kala Greenwalt
    Kala Greenwalt says:

    I needed to hear this today so much!!! Just turned 50 and had wanted to be in shape and healthy like I was getting two years ago before hip replacement surgery. I gained 40 of my 75 pounds back since surgery and changing jobs so now I sit on my butt all day. Nothing I did before is working and my head has just not been right. I appreciate everything you said today so much and look forward to the coming videos.

  7. Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach
    Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach says:

    Hello 🙂 I admire your inspiring work on your weight loss journey, because it makes a lot of people want to stay discipline! Amazing job ❤️ New subscriber to support your channel 💪🏽 love to help each other grow more

  8. Gloria Pizarro
    Gloria Pizarro says:

    Yes go girl!! We don’t need to butter chug to lose weight. High protein, low (healthy fats) & very low carb. Track your meals and be in a calorie deficit and get that exercise in!

  9. Christine Lim
    Christine Lim says:

    I love these types of videos and cant wair for your new content. I listened to this in the morning first thing while having my coffee and shower and it motivated me to be happy, have a good day and do a workout!

  10. Traci Williams
    Traci Williams says:

    Keto with lower fats, higher protein is working for me and I’m not ashamed of it. I will let those who ask me know exactly what I’m doing. KETO. Hang in there.!!!!👍🏽❤️

  11. Mayra Blanco
    Mayra Blanco says:

    You are so right . . . your face now looks so much happier and slimmer! I'm very happy for you and your changes b/c they are working. I do agree that many other videos show us all these different foods, that are so yummy, but the ingredients add up. I for one can't do that. I need to re-do me and start making positive changes. The plant based didn't work for me at all, therefore I'm back on keto. I will keep the fat lower this time. Have a great week!

  12. Christine aldridge
    Christine aldridge says:

    Omg I been watching you a while now and I had quit keto once you started no frills keto I decided I needed to try again cause prior I would make desserts and have Candie "keto" and my craving were horrible now my craving are almost gone and I'm almost never hungry! I'm also doing 30 % protein as well 65% fat and 5 % carb it is working!!! Thank you I needed this so much!


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