Quick Tips: Slow Cooker Baked Potatoes | One Pot Chef

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When you’re cooking for a crowd, oven space is at a premium. So waste valuable real estate making baked potatoes in the oven, …

43 replies
  1. Kathy & Phil Murphy
    Kathy & Phil Murphy says:

    Thank you for this basic information. I was looking for baking potatoes in a crock pot, and I chose your channel because the information is concise without a lot of useless details. Two potatoes are in my smaller crockpot and it is on high. I purchased two pounds of chopped brisket at my favorite bbq joint last week and froze portions just for topping the baked potato. Looking forward to our lunch.

  2. Una mexicana en México
    Una mexicana en México says:

    Alguien que me pueda decir si no le pasa nada a la olla al no poner ninguna clase de líquido o aceite o mezcla en el fondo de la olla. Please someone translate this and answer me, you can write in english, is easier to me read it than write it. Thanks in advance.

  3.  W. W. 2 Restorations. Vehicles and Equipment.
    W. W. 2 Restorations. Vehicles and Equipment. says:

    I like your channel, thanks for the great cooking suggestions. I have found the potatoes will cook better if they are elevated and away from the bottom of the ceramic pot. I only cook for myself, so 3 small potatoes are a great meal in its' self. I wrinkled up 2 tubes of aluminum foil and bent them into "C" shapes to fit in the bottom of the cooker, then rest my seasoned and wrapped potatoes on the foil. 4 hours on high and it's time for baked potatoes !!!!!

  4. Miss Kai
    Miss Kai says:

    I love this channel. And I am subscribed to hundreds of cooking channels, but somehow his voice and the editing make for the most balanced, informative, and relaxing experience for maximum viewing pleasure.

  5. Sandi Stevenson
    Sandi Stevenson says:

    I have done baked potato in my slow cooker, done partly what you did but without the foil. Can I ask how was it with the foil because I heard it make the potato a bit funny. When I do it without it burn the bottem bit of the baked potato

  6. The Hoxhaist Bodhisattva
    The Hoxhaist Bodhisattva says:

    Just fucking rub your potatoes with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and bake for an hour at 400f. split down the middle and use dish towels on either long side to "open" the potatoes Fluff with a fork, add pads of butter and sharp cheddar. When it comes out, add bacon bits, caramelized onions, fresh parsley, sour cream, chives etc.

  7. donna Bwanna
    donna Bwanna says:

    I wash my potatoes and put a tablespoon of butter in a small freezer bag. Then one at a time I put a potato in the plastic baggie and rub it all over with the butter.  Place them in the slow cooker like you do.  It would be nice if you would try it this way too.

  8. chill
    chill says:

    put potatoes in a plastic bag add a little water and oil pierce a small hole in bag put on for 8 minutes take out top with butter cheese and spicy beef mince happy days

  9. Paia
    Paia says:

    Okay so I watched this for first time yesterday & decided we having it for dinner. Ive had to come back and watch it again cos I have the memory span of a chocolate fish! Thanks xx


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