Quick Pickle Perfection: Crafting the Ultimate Homemade Quick Pickles

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How can you make almost any dish better? Pickles. Today I’m going to show you three different basic homemade quick pickle …

27 replies
  1. Lalii Chin
    Lalii Chin says:

    You said you like rice vinegar, not rice wine vinegar, not sushi seasoning vinegar. I’ve always thought that rice vinegar and rice wine vinegar were the same?

  2. Ben Sterz
    Ben Sterz says:

    At the cafe i work at we also serve pickled mustard seeds (we call them mustard caviar) with pulled pork. But i love to put some on a slice of toasted sourdough with guacamole. You definitely have to try it as well 🙂

  3. gingerfani
    gingerfani says:

    The way you made those pickled cucumbers is basically how cucumber salad is made in germany 😅 great side to summer bbq, just instead of chilli flakes we might add dill

  4. jaeranando
    jaeranando says:

    There was a study published earlier this year linking Erythritol to an increased chance of cardiovascular event. Of course nothing is conclusive but worth considering.

  5. Tom Rowe
    Tom Rowe says:

    I was going to say if you jar the onions first and fill them with the vinegar to measure how much you need that saves the guess work at the start, but then you kind of did that right after for the seeds 😅

  6. Tiia
    Tiia says:

    Blanching the mustard seeds?!?!? Mind blown. I wondered why all my attempts at mustard sauce were inedible. Will try again – thanks!

  7. fdho
    fdho says:

    Don't play games with mandolin slicers. Either use the guard or don't push your luck. Hanging out in the ER isn't a lot of fun and you get a weird scar on your finger.

  8. jorge garcia
    jorge garcia says:

    Did you try red wine vinegar? thats way more potent that any other vinegar im almost 100% sure that with red wine vinegar you would need less quantity of it for the same result

  9. dontpressw
    dontpressw says:

    Man, turns out I was way over-brining my cucumbers (acar timun-style). Also some whole green and red bird eye chillis can do amazing things for a pickle.

  10. Leah Hensch
    Leah Hensch says:

    I absolutely love doing Vietnamese shredded radish and carrot pickles with a few Thai chilies and whole garlic clove thrown into the jar. It's a super topping for everything savory that needs a bit of brightening!


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