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Quick Easy Sweet And Sour Soup can be made for pennies per serving. You can use many lower cost alternatives, but soy sauce, …

14 replies
  1. Jan Kotze
    Jan Kotze says:

    That looks very nice Irene, we love soup, sorry I could not catch the name of the white cubes, some soup powders that we buy have cubes in, obviously dried and swell up when you cook it, I guess it is the same stuff, sort of rubbery

  2. Deb's Way
    Deb's Way says:

    Oh, yes, a few diced scallions on top, please!! Looked really good, Irene! That's the heartiest sweet & sour soup I've ever seen. I bet it tasted really good, too! Have a great week-end!

  3. EcoCentric Homestead
    EcoCentric Homestead says:

    GMO – This is my biggest fear WRT buying processed food or grocery store vegetables. I recently done a video that I put my question at the end.
    I have a chronic nervous system problems and a great number of store foods have a trigger, I don't know what the triggers are.

  4. uppanadam74
    uppanadam74 says:

    I love soup!! But I'm more of a veggie soup girl!! I've been brought up on veggie soup since I was a little girl!! Nan always made the best soup…and now I make it!! But the prepping like peeling and chopping veggies disagrees with my back these days sadly!! LOL!!


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