Quick Balsamic Dijon Glazed Brussel Sprouts | Weight Loss Wednesday, Episode 223

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QUICK BALSALMIC DIJON GLAZED BRUSSELS SPROUTS This is a quick and easier variation of the recipe that appeared on page 123 of my book The …

12 replies
  1. Kim Thomas
    Kim Thomas says:

    I love roasted Brussel sprouts, and cook down balsamic vinegar myself. I didn't know that you could buy it already done, wow! I need this in my life! Thank you for sharing! ☺

  2. J
    J says:

    Thanks Chef AJ!! Another fantastic video filled with many great ideas! I really appreciate your kind and generous spirit.. I am grateful for all your advice. I always need to go to Trader Joe’s after watching your cooking videos😃

  3. zena
    zena says:

    I also love to chill them in the fridge after adding the glaze and eat them the following day cold or at room temperature. They’re even sweeter and a bit more chewy 😁


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