Quick and Easy Vegan Breakfast Recipes (Under 10 MINUTES?!)

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Welcome back to my channel! Today I’m showing you my QUICKEST and EASIEST breakfast meal prep recipes! Don’t waste time …

21 replies
  1. Quiet
    Quiet says:

    Recently I had to unsub from all my food channels so I could beat back some of the temptation, but I can’t leave her. I just can’t.

  2. New MexiVegan
    New MexiVegan says:

    Thee Burger Dude has a great suggestion for vegan sausage on breakfast sandwiches and that’s to let them thaw then combine two into one so that there is better sausage to muffin ratio.

  3. Mercury Topaz
    Mercury Topaz says:

    While vegan arguments end at rodent deaths, that’s just the beginning. Every time crops are harvested, snakes, birds, foxes, worms, and a plethora of other small animals get caught up in the harvester that had been living in the fields… if they survived the onslaught of pesticides thrown at them. And that brings us to the next category of death from vegan foods…

  4. Mercury Topaz
    Mercury Topaz says:

    Now, how much meat does a single cow provide? According to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, an average cow provides about 430 pounds of meat. Lets divide that by 365 days and that gets us about 1.18 pounds per day for an entire year per person per cow. So to get us to 2 pounds per person per day, we need less than 2 cows a year. In fact, two cows will provide 2.36 pounds of meat per day per person. The math for a carnivore diet is simple.

  5. Phillip Pinter
    Phillip Pinter says:

    She talks about the bars supposedly not having all that "extra" added fat and sugar but then proceeds to add a bunch of added fat and sugar (coconut oil and syrup) likely even more than the store baught versions which is fine, I don't care unless you make false claims about it.


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