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40 replies
  1. aden
    aden says:

    I feel like I missed a lot of your content since I’ve deleted TikTok & Instagram off my phone, but did you remodel the kitchen? :-0

    Thanks again for the cookin’ tips! I hadn’t realized I was cooking my mushrooms incorrectly 😭

  2. Flower Child
    Flower Child says:

    I just found your Chanel and your videos are super lovely.

    I’m 22 and sometimes I just don’t have the motivation to cook and also I just don’t have any ideas. Thank you for the simple and yummy recipes. It helps a lot. ☺️💕✨

  3. La Kid
    La Kid says:

    Cant find your amazon store link?
    Where is the link -I looked on FB and Youtube but you have no link for it in your bio
    Need that cast iron pepper grinder

  4. NoName444
    NoName444 says:

    For how long I’ve been passively watching your stuff, never new you were in Detroit! I just moved here mid 2022 for work, any suggestions of things to do/ places to go?? Love your work!

  5. casey Hardiman
    casey Hardiman says:

    I literally just found your channel and I seriously love your vibe. Whatever quality it is that I can't name, you are one of the first shorts creators that I can actually pay attention to. Or want to pay attention to? LOL I sound silly, but I don't know exactly what it is.. I just like it ☺️

  6. Rumade
    Rumade says:

    Kabocha is great in risotto too. You end up with a beautiful golden dish full of flavour. I usually simmer it along with mushrooms and stock to make my stock for the risotto. Then fish out the pumpkin and mushrooms and add to the pan.

  7. Koko Ni
    Koko Ni says:

    "It's winter this week in Michigan."
    Is the most Michigan way to describe the weather.
    Cuz 2 or 3 weeks ago it was definitely spring.
    What season will next week be?
    More winter? Russian Mud Season? Spring with a side of ice storms?
    Who knows! #puremichigan


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