PSMF What I Eat In a Day! | PSMF Sushi Rolls| All Meals and Macros | Ketovore PSMF

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PSMF What I Eat in a Day shows you my entire day as it happens! All my meals and macros are here! Even my take on Keto Sushi Rolls for PSMF! ** Need a …

41 replies
  1. Cathy P in AZ
    Cathy P in AZ says:

    I enjoyed spending your day of eating with you, Anita! I love my coffee and I’m not addicted – I simply love that one big hot cuppa every day! Teddi is enjoying the early morning chit chat. 😂🥰 I always appreciate PSMF tips. Thank you for sharing! 🌞

  2. N McDonne
    N McDonne says:

    Another amazing video Anita, thank you! The tuna sushi rolls look delicious. Have you ever done any recipes with sweetbreads at all ? I am trying to incorporate them once every week or so. Thanks so much.

  3. VeldaE12
    VeldaE12 says:

    Do you wash those glass container plastic lids in dishwasher? My husband did that when mine were new and warped one so it is harder to close, so I said do not put in dishwasher! I think handwashing has saved mine as mine are probably 10 years old too. I do wash the glass container in dishwasher, but not lids. Not one has broken in all that time. I do love your videos, and watch each one.

  4. Eboni Stewart
    Eboni Stewart says:

    thanks for the idea of tuna rolls..I have had nori in my pantry for a long time! now I get to use it. I'm going to make it 2mrw for dinner. Please keep posting I love watching all your videos , you have great ideas.

  5. Deni M
    Deni M says:

    Made the gravy tonite with the chicken bone broth powder, hot water, seasonings and instead of xanthan gum I had to use LC Thick 'n Saucy .Worked very well.

  6. Persha Besenfelder
    Persha Besenfelder says:

    I love these videos. The last one really helped me with my PSMF day and I made the noodles and the chicken soup. I only like the chosen keto Mayo too. It’s the only clean one that taste good to me.

  7. Nancy R
    Nancy R says:

    Please keep doing the daily meals. It really helps me to have a better understanding of different food ideas. Love your videos! You are so extremely talented.

  8. Deborah
    Deborah says:

    I recently read ( or heard ?) that protein is not easily used for energy….great for building muscle and other tissues, but poor as fuel. So if you are doing low carb, the fat is all you have to fuel your day. I agree….given I am really low/near zero on carbs, I feel pretty lousy if I don't get enough fat.

  9. Roni P
    Roni P says:

    Love watching your videos and getting new ideas for what to eat on PSMF. Tuna salad and chicken salad are frequent go to's for me on PSMF days. (Quick, easy and fulfilling.)

  10. jmh6823a
    jmh6823a says:

    Hi Anita, I'm fairly new to your channel. Have you tried doing a PSMF Chicken Pot Pie or a Keto version using the PSMF recipe? I would be interested to see how you would do that. 😊

  11. Carol32547
    Carol32547 says:

    I like all you. I have question. I live by the bay. I have tried all I can think of to make egg white bread. It never makes stiff peaks. I have tried refrigerating the bowl. Extra cream of tartar, xanthum gum. Any other suggestions or do I just give up. Anyone that lives on the water…anyone have a trick?? Thank you in advance!

  12. Andreatf
    Andreatf says:

    Thank you for all of your videos. Everything I have attempted has turned out great. Would you please elaborate on how you resolved your stomach issues? How did you do the beef and lamb diet? How long did it take for you to see a difference? Thanks in advance.

  13. Marie H. Blankenship
    Marie H. Blankenship says:

    Hey! New to your channel and psmf. I'm looking for this type of video to help me learn about psmf. I also saw one where you talked about trouble shooting recipes which was great and helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  14. claudia matthews
    claudia matthews says:

    I've only had sushi once years ago. I may try again since I have the wraps that I wanted make soups with. This was very interesting to learn how early you start your day. You keep your meals pretty simple. I knew you were going to enjoy the coconut pie 😋

  15. GrowUp
    GrowUp says:

    Loving your channel.
    Have watched many keto channels and have to say you and Wendy are my favorite channels.
    Love the what I eat in a day. Helps me plan or make the right choices.
    Keep it up!

  16. Paula
    Paula says:

    Thank you Anita. I really enjoy your videos just the way you do not do a lot of chatting, you get right to. I don’t buy keto chow or other packaged products, I have way to much seasonings in my cabinets to buy something else.


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