PSMF Diet Meal Prep | Easy Proteins to Batch Cook and Use for PSMF Diet Recipes

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My July Keto Cleanup Challenge is coming to an end and I needed lots of PSMF friendly proteins in my fridge to finish strong! In this video I give you some batch …

21 replies
  1. Kay Audet
    Kay Audet says:

    just found you, what a great video. I to have a long haired chihuahua, her name is Bella . Just started PSMF, liking it so far & will try your recipes this week. Thanks again for a very entertaining video

  2. Pam I
    Pam I says:

    I made a double batch of the turkey burgers after watching your video when you made them. They are very tasty! I also meal prepped chicken breast & pork chops & browned very lean ground beef for my PSMF. I love your videos & so glad I found your channel.

  3. Tamara Renee
    Tamara Renee says:

    I just love watching your videos! Thank you for talking about the difference between the chicken tenders and the chicken breasts. I'm not big on lean chicken and I think that is the reason why. The breast tends to be dry. On my next trip to Costco I will pick up a bag of tenders and see if that makes it easier to swallow. (pun intended!) Thank you so much for putting out these videos and being creative!

  4. Vintage Lilac Memories - Handcrafted Journals
    Vintage Lilac Memories - Handcrafted Journals says:

    Not sure what it was you fed to pup but pls be aware that onion & garlic are toxic for dogs. My Boston got really sick for a month or so, very lethargic and not himself and we thought he had diabetes but we had previously switched his food, when I checked the ingredients they were the same as his previous food with the exception of garlic powder. We switched him back to his old food and he was his normal self after 2 wks!

  5. Sara Richwine
    Sara Richwine says:

    I made the turkey burgers after watching your first video with them. I felt exactly the same way as you about turkey but these were great. I found feta with Mediterranean spices at Trader Joe’s. 👍👍

  6. Michele Steward
    Michele Steward says:

    I do love your turkey burgers! But I gotta be careful not to eat too many on my PSMF days 😁😬😩. Have your German cheesecake in the oven now. Excited to try the chicken tenders!!!

  7. Jackie Does Keto
    Jackie Does Keto says:

    another brilliant video thanks Anita! I made the turkey burgers this week and you were right, they are moist! Will keep my eyes peeled for minced lamb on yellow sticker and use rosemary 😂


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