Protein Cheesecake Recipe | How to Make Protein Cheesecake

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Learn how to make the best protein cheesecake! This Cheesecake recipe with protein powder makes easy, light and high protein …

20 replies
  1. Wendi Landkammer
    Wendi Landkammer says:

    I've never met a cheese cake that didn't look appealing, until now.
    I was cuious so I watched the whole video. I looked at the ingredient list.
    It resembles a cheese cake, but honestly it's burned on top.
    When it was cut it looked dry and cheese cake isn't dry.
    I get that the greek yoghurt is replacing the sour cream. I'm not a fan of greek yogurt, but that aside. The protine powder is replacing the flour, but that's gotta change the taste which will affect the flavor.
    Cheese cake is supposed to be a rich desert that's portioned small. It's ment to be savored.
    This thing probably could be used as a spread on crackers. But I'm not sold on the idea that this is actually a desert I'd want.
    Just my take on this mess.

  2. Culvea Solvere
    Culvea Solvere says:

    A far better option would have been to remove the yolks fluff the egg whites until stiff peaks and then incorporate that into the dish that way it retains the cheesecake consistency.

  3. Mshow food
    Mshow food says:

    It's amazing.😍 Іn my opinion, it would be better if there was a base, a base of shortcrust pastry, and in general, this recipe would be perfect👌🤤😋🔥
    ideal cheat meal for mass gain💪🚀


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