Proper Tomato Sauce Using Fresh Tomatoes (3 ingredients)

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The secret on how to make tomato sauce isn’t just fresh tomatoes, but good technique. The best part is that this tomato sauce is extremely easy but is also …

29 replies
  1. Gaunjaguy420
    Gaunjaguy420 says:

    Just picked the last of my tomatoes and I’m doing this step by step. I’ll be back when I’m eating spaghetti and my sauce. đŸ€ŒđŸŒ (I’m Italian American)

    Edit: I love Ol Bessy 2 years later.

  2. Luiz Carlos Laba
    Luiz Carlos Laba says:

    Very cool Joshua, got you man, LOVED THE VIDEO, My parents are Italian, I am Brazilian (no one is perfect 🙂 ). I do a LOT OF COOKING myself and you sauce is AWESOME brother.

  3. Celina Jiménez Ahumada
    Celina Jiménez Ahumada says:

    Love how italians loses their minds about tomato and mexicas (where the tomato originated) are like "yes, just try it on everything… beer? yes, just do it. rice? yes! tortilla? yes. pico de gallo? yes, guacamole? yes" and soo on. Love you italians but chill

  4. Gearld Cline
    Gearld Cline says:

    Not necessary a fan of the "…less is better…" school of tomato sauce. I like herbs and spices (particularly basil and oregano) in my sauce. I am also found of pepper and hot pepper flakes at the very least. But…that's just me….

  5. gioiosa54
    gioiosa54 says:

    You have some great recipes this is not one of them , ,, that sauce would not pass muster in italy , the tomatoes have't seen enough sun !! They need to be way over ripened


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