Preventing Colds Naturally Using Medical Medium Information & Tools

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Since getting home from Christmas holidays, we’ve had the HINT of a cold trying to get at us after being around many sick family …

10 replies
  1. DSenkow
    DSenkow says:

    I forwarded your video to my daughter today with this note: If you watch this video all the way through you will see just how I WISH I could talk and explain my lifestyle to others. Unfortunately my brain is foggy a lot of the time and I fumble over my words and go totally blank many times.

    Thank you so much for your videos.

  2. Natasha Lynch
    Natasha Lynch says:

    I feel the same as you! So glad to have this knowledge to help when my family is sick.
    We have the same wok and love it!!
    I do have a question, when doing everyday supplements we can mix and take them at once, right? But I read in the Brain book that when taking the shock therapies to keep them seperate 15min apart.. do you do that? I just feel like all day were going to be taking supplements.

  3. Doris George
    Doris George says:

    I found your videos today and love your content! I’m a Medical Medium fan and have been making the Shock Therapy for my husband since yesterday – he’s asthmatic and is battling with this new flu…and you’ve just solved my frustration with dissolving the vit C. I’ve had a milk frother for years and nearly chucked it out recently. Now I have an amazing new use for it – a million thank you’s!! Thank you for sharing your personal health experience and for speaking so positively about MM xx

  4. Kim Clancy
    Kim Clancy says:

    Welcome back Kaihla. Hope you enjoyed Christmas with your family. I missed seeing you on UTube. Where did you get your white bowls that you served yours and Marks dinner in? 🙏🏻❤️


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