Prevent Cancer with this Nutritarian Soup Recipe + More Soup & Stews Ideas | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

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Soup is the ultimate superfood! Dr. Joel Fuhrman shares his famous anti-cancer Nutritarian soup. Plus, he’s got this infographic …

24 replies
  1. Jo Hoare
    Jo Hoare says:

    Wow what a great video I follow the starch solution but after researching yourself i feel this way of eating would be so much better. The fridge magnets are amazing !

  2. Lou
    Lou says:

    So going to make this ! McDougalls potatoes ,potatoes isn’t working for me hopefully this will do the trick for weight loss

  3. M R
    M R says:

    How much does a blender destroy nutrients in vegetables? I’ve heard it is a lot which is the reason many make cold pressed juice. I have a cold pressed juicer but it creates a LOT of work.

  4. XeL
    XeL says:

    half my nutrition is liquid , never felt better
    i keep the fiber tho they are just grinded
    help bodybuilding by chugging tons of vegan calories

  5. O Soniye
    O Soniye says:

    Thank you for some great information, Dr Fuhrman.
    For today's cohort of women, what average weight would you look for to say they have released unhealthy body fat?

  6. IResonateWithU
    IResonateWithU says:

    Soups and stews are ridiculously easy. Once you've made soup a few times, you just become creative as to whatever happens to be in the house at the time. I understand we want to maintain constituent integrity for a nutritarian diet,but honestly if your short on time, cook soup till it's hot but veggies aren't soft. Otherwise you just will never get around to making it. I don't have a blender or a food processor 🙃

  7. Lulu
    Lulu says:

    Soups and stews are so versatile and nutritious when using whole food, plant-based ingredients. Miles ahead of unhealthy canned soups and can be just as quick to heat up if you have some ingredients like cooked beans made once a week to add to dishes on cooking day. Thank you, Dr. Fuhrman,!


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