Pressure Cooking – Quick, easy, healthy, and using food storage!

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8 replies
  1. NBA 13
    NBA 13 says:

    You know the pressure is ready: The bottom right side of the time # there is a blinking light, when the light stops blinking, the pressure is all the way and now it's starting to cook for 10 minutes.

  2. Noreen's Kitchen
    Noreen's Kitchen says:

    Thanks for the vid. I always put a kitchen towel over the pressure valve when I release the pressure. This serves two purposes, one, it takes the decibel level of the noise down a bit and is less scary for my dogs and it catches all that steam and stops it from going up my cabinet right over where I use the cooker. Just thought I'd share. Then you have a nice hot towel you can wipe the counter down with when its done releasing! : ) Always multitasking.


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