Pressure Cooker Stewed Steak, Dipped In Secret Spicy Sauce, So Enjoyable! | Mukbang

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5 replies
  1. Fran
    Fran says:

    Por favor que alguien le expliqué a este ignorante que significa la palabra refrescante,porque se atiborra de comer carne como si no hubiese un mañana y va el tío y dice que es refrescante 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Fran
    Fran says:

    Si no fuese por este tío y su canal me costaría creer que en pleno siglo XXI en la era tecnológica,el descubrimiento de exoplanetas la inteligencia artificial etc y luego ver a este neardental comiendo,mi perro sabe comer haciendo menos ruido que este neardental.

  3. Akoijam Devkumar
    Akoijam Devkumar says:

    Now your eating has become my eating. You are as good as mine. You lacks nothing and you meet all my expectations. That's why l made those comments to be my liking. I love the way you take rice. I love the way you grabs the meat and taking a big big bites. They are so mouth watering. Your eating sound is my appetizer. What more can l say, you are more of a lion in terms of eating. I love animal instincts. I am bored of cultured eating. They don't entertain at all. Love ❤ ya buddy. Looking forward for your next eating. 😍🙏😎


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