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43 replies
  1. Ya Ya
    Ya Ya says:

    I need some help. I have a question I am in Texas and I have a little outdoor shed that I keep some supplies in. I have had vacuum sealed jars with rice, beans, pasta, lentils, dry milk, oats, potatoe flakes, ect. Also have had tomato aluminum cans of sauce, and jars of salsa, applesauce, corn and green beans. During the “snow storm” it got down to single digits I had it insulated with spray foam but no heat only an air conditioner (it wasn’t running). Is my food ruined? I wasn’t able to go out there and move it all because it’s not at my house and it’s an hr away and I was sick and with health issues. When I went to check on it. It was cold inside and nothing seemed to have cracked or seeped out. Will there be moisture that formed and ruined sealed jars (from the store) and aluminum cans of veggies and vacuum canned food. I didn’t think of it until now. I’m worried. Will I get sick now?

  2. bored survivor
    bored survivor says:

    Damn it! I wasn't hungry. Watched this video, could now eat the scabby end of a dead donkey!
    Great work (as always) AP. And well done you for the charity work. Will watch the blasting adverts from now on. Peace and love from the UK.

  3. Randy Romines
    Randy Romines says:

    Interesting, but why would you not cook up a big batch of beef stew and then can it, not sure I liked it, more like stuff in a jar than beef stew which requires the slow cooking to develop flavors. Personally I cut up the meat in smaller pieces.

  4. Chris hamill
    Chris hamill says:

    Good job in collecting money to help Texans! Have canned beef stew in quarts. As far as bones go…recommended is to avoid canning thick bones…even the chicken legs…knuckle should be cut off. Oxtail bone very thick…would only do it to eat right away. Stew looked great, oxtaill cooked well.

  5. Peggy Kush
    Peggy Kush says:

    The Kerr lids that are out in the stores, are very thin in the rubber seal. Compare these to what you currently have.
    Makes you wonder, with the phrase… seals – UP TO- 18 months. – Up to – wording can mean less than 18 months.

  6. Dannie McDonald
    Dannie McDonald says:

    Those meals look delicious! I canned some beef stew, but have not tried it yet. We are expecting more cold nights here (Mississippi) this week, so I may open a jar! I also save my used lids, but have used them to vacuum seal jars. I may give them a try the next time I pressure can something. Thanks for taking us along on this experiment!

  7. Brent Winfield
    Brent Winfield says:

    Do you know why oxtail tastes so exceptional???
    It's the cartilage between each bone joint that melts through and enhances the flavor like bone marrow broth.
    Looks good man. We can beef stew often. Actually since we make daily meals for our employees we make a monster size batch, get maybe 2 meals out of it and can the leftovers. So we can the stew cooked.

  8. Louise Schneider
    Louise Schneider says:

    Interesting. I thought at first you were going to cook up a huge pot of stew first and then can the finished product. So these are like little kits. Does it cook completely in the boiling water bath? Then ready to eat when you finally open the jar? Just make sure all jars and lids are sterilized and hands very clean. Great job. You communicate your joy so beautifully!

  9. Meanie Beavers
    Meanie Beavers says:

    I have reused lids a few times but never felt the need to try them a third time. I put a 2 on them so I can keep up with them. In a emergency case I would try them as many times the rubber looked new and worked otherwise they go into a bag for vacuum sealing or other regular uses. If bent I just toss. I can’t find ball lids but find many Kerr lids for now. I had quite a few already stocked up on that I’m holding onto for now. I might just have to try oxtail, I have always felt I didn’t want to eat anything’s tail🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. Toni Mitchell
    Toni Mitchell says:

    If you take a rag with alcohol on it you can clean the old dates written on the lids. Looks so delish…….I love canned stew meat. I have never had oxtail, I may just have to try it.

  11. mai pi
    mai pi says:

    have reused lids for over 10 years. i also reuse store bought jars and lids. they also work great. heat the seals in boiling water and they are almost like new…. blessings

  12. beth hicks
    beth hicks says:

    Ive always been taught and read not to use thickeners during canning. I know that gravy has corn starch or tapioca starch and im interested to see how it holds up over time. The lids don't shock me at all, a lot of people have been reusing them for a long time. You cant get as many uses out of the new ones as we used to tho, everything is cheaper made now.

  13. Mari Nigrey
    Mari Nigrey says:

    I just EXPERIMENTED with corn beef and that meat shrinks up a lot. But it looks wonderful.. I also made unstuffed green pepers meat ball's.. I baked them first to brown them then canned them… They also look beautiful.. And a pound of cooked bacon can fit into a pint jar for canning another one that came out great… Thank you AP.. IF IS WASN'T for you, I found the confidence to do my own canning of my meats. Great way to store the meat I CAN'T fit into my little freezer. Great when I get Meats that are on sale… Thank you..


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