Pressure Canning in an Instant Pot

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We’ve all gotten used to our electric pressure cookers. They’re convenient, fast, and we’ve gotten pretty comfortable with using them. But are they safe for …

34 replies
  1. Tyra Hadry
    Tyra Hadry says:

    Always great information! But the National Center for Home Preservation has approved the InstaPot Max for pressure canning. Red Rose Homestead actually went through some highly scientific home testing that proved her runs of pressure canning reached the correct temperature. Just some “food” for thought!!

  2. Mlf
    Mlf says:

    My mom always did it like you talk about with the pan
    My question is can you just cook the food putting in a jar and put in a pressure cooker or is there a special way you cook your vegetables or whatever your canning and then pressure cooking

  3. Chelsy Lynn
    Chelsy Lynn says:

    Only thing I use my instant pot for when canning is jellys or jams…something like you said with a high acid..basically it's my water bath canner. This is also an American standard but what I've heard other countries allow anything in a instant pot type pressure cooker. (And I say pressure cooker because it's not a pressure canner)

  4. knothead35
    knothead35 says:

    Electric Pressure cooker is different than electric pressure CANNER. The nesco is made for canning. There are many videos about them here on youtube. I'm buying the nesco canner because i don't want to stare at my manual pressure cooker for hours. With either a manual or electric pressure canner, you're trusting that the manufacturer got every single thing right. Even with that weighted gauge, do you really know it's exactly 10lbs of pressure? How many people actually get that dial reader checked every single year? Very few, i imagine. The nesco canner has been out for at least 4 years. Pretty sure the fda or usda would be screaming about people getting sick from these canned foods IF that were happening. The government loves nothing more than to tell people to not be self sufficient and to rely on grocery store cans. So, i personally feel the electric canners specifically made for canning(not just cooking) are safe, otherwise we would hear about it and the canner would be recalled or the company would go out of business due to litigation

  5. Janice Seigler
    Janice Seigler says:

    Not so fast on "not knowing what temperature your jars are coming to." Watch the Red Rose Homesteads video "Pressure Canning in the Instant Pot Max." She is a College Professor and her video will shock you on how she tests the Instant Pot Max.

  6. Tiffany B
    Tiffany B says:

    Do you guys ONLY care about money? Or People too? Get off YOUTUBE! they are anti American, anti freedom and I’m sure anti Jesus. Please start uploading somewhere else. I am done with YouTube after I bed all my favorite people to get off here!

  7. D Fuss
    D Fuss says:

    This was an extremly good REMINDER for those who are starting out in the canning field. I can't tell you how many in my area that I had to inform them about the right way to can. I will be forwarding this video to all that need it. Thank You!

  8. lucky43113
    lucky43113 says:

    I use a standard pressure canner but a lot have asked me about the presto electric canner. Presto claims theirs meets all USDA guidlines. In my opinion they are to small regardless if safe or not.


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