Prepping Rice in a Pressure Cooker

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A video demonstration showing how easy it is to prepare rice using a pressure cooker. Once prepared this rice is ready to eat, refrigerate or dehydrate and …

35 replies
  1. wetdog777
    wetdog777 says:

    Please pardon my stupidity, because I am serious about this question… Your description says: "Once prepared this rice is ready to eat, refrigerate or dehydrate and stored for long term." So, if you dehydrate it for long term storage, wouldn't it be easier to NOT cook it and just leave it in the bag?

  2. MyOtherNewName
    MyOtherNewName says:

    I'm sure this was his first attempt at cooking rice. Once he washes the starch off of the rice before cooking, it will look and taste much better. I think I will stick to my rice cooker for rice. That looked more like porridge.

  3. Stacy S
    Stacy S says:

    I have a traditional Presto on the stove pc which works very well for me. I never considered making rice but I now know the timing and the ratio rice to water.
    Thank you! 

  4. awful8484
    awful8484 says:

    Don't listen to these negative people. I have the same pressure cooker, and I learned how to make rice in it from you, thank you. I like my rice a little more solid than yours, so I put a few more tablespoons of rice in at 7 mins. It turned out great. Thank you.

  5. Lansing Allison
    Lansing Allison says:

    Ha Ha My NAME is Lance I can not do videos, do skype and/or print photos my wonderful son made sure that this device will not do it for me Without His password His ok
    He is over 30 and he thinks he is God controling everything in my life
    BUT, I did once work at a local TV Station's Three inch VCR Video recording TEC
    Before that monster was born in the 1970's

  6. biblesnbarbells
    biblesnbarbells says:

    That is great that you have experience in mass feeding. That is a great skill to possess. If you have power, a pressure cooker like this one can save a lot of time. I am making a really cool chicken dish right now. Chicken Paprika. The timer just went off. I will let you know how it comes out.

  7. Lansing Allison
    Lansing Allison says:

    Thank you for the quick reply I really do not mean no harm
    But I have done a lot in Mass care and Feeding that Now
    that I have to slow down because of medical problems that I still can be in a kitchen making sure that the correct USDA Health Detp way of
    doing mas feeding is done .

  8. biblesnbarbells
    biblesnbarbells says:

    Thanks for your comments. This system works for me as I can prepare a variety of meals in short amount of time. This was not a video showing survival cooking, just showing another way to prepare foods. I have dehydrated cooked rice and beans for storage and they rehydrate very fast when you need them without the time and with much less water. There is no loss in vitamins when rehydrating.

  9. Lansing Allison
    Lansing Allison says:

    you can cook rice in a macrowave for 6 minutes also so there is no saving of time in a crisis disaster their will be NO eletcial power that you can depend on WHY cook the rice and then dehydrate it you lose the vitamins recooking it again SORRY BUT this is not showing anyone how cook rice in a crisis area Once i used a Salvation Army cooking pot that Cooked 100lbs of rice in one cycle of cooking feeding 300 hungery homeless people for one meal

  10. biblesnbarbells
    biblesnbarbells says:

    I bought this unit because I want to cook rice and beans quickly and then dehydrate for long term storage. Then when I am ready to eat I just need to add hot water and wait about 15 minutes. Do not have to worry about cooking after SHTF. Thanks for your comments.

  11. Danni Irene
    Danni Irene says:

    I saw that unit on Amazon and on Overstock, but then it got me to thinking about using a non-electric 6 qt for when SHTF to cook with because it uses less fuel by cooking it completely and quickly. Thanks for the idea. 🙂


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