Prepping Pantry Tour | Stockpile a Year's Supply of Food | Organizing the Kitchen | Heartway Farms

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Today, Annie will take you on a tour of our 100-year-old farmhouse root cellar, and show you all the things we’ve been adding to our food stockpile. We’ve …

43 replies
  1. Sio Games
    Sio Games says:

    Looks fabulous. Not sure if anyone mentioned but if you paint the front of the shelves with chalk paint you can mark where everything goes and erase if need be….just a thought.

  2. Johanna Leverentz
    Johanna Leverentz says:

    I have what's called a 'galley kitchen'. It's hard to find different ways to store different items. Love your channel. It gives me great ideas for canning & trying to make homemade items. I live in Houston, Texas ~ we have so much humidity here ~ it's tough to find dark places to store root veggies & other dry goods. Thank you for all of your ideas.

  3. Kathy Conger
    Kathy Conger says:

    Your cellar looks great! I watched your reno on it. But it looks so pretty with your canned & other items in it! My house is 130+ yrs old. No basement, cellar, attic! Small closets. New addition is about 13 yrs old. Big closet in the bedroom (as in long). Storage is a problem! Ugh! I love organization! I can relate to you being so happy for all of your great organization you have now!
    I have heard about the brown bread & am going to get some. I’m from Iowa & hadn’t ever heard of it till this yr! Must be an east coast thing? Loved your tour! Take care & God bless!😄💜

  4. jurystillout2014
    jurystillout2014 says:

    I was born and still live in Maine! Brown bread is a very old fashioned B&M company tradition. It’s very common on Saturday night to have hotdogs, B&M beans and B&M brown bread. Maine people use the brown bread to soak up the left over bean juice on there plate. Some will heat it up and put butter on it. But I do think it’s a New England tradition. I would not be surprised if it’s only a Maine thing. Thanks for sharing your root cellar, it looks amazing. ❤️

  5. Diane
    Diane says:

    Originally from MA and my mom would use that brown bread from the can with baked beans on Friday night for our quick dinner. I loved it with butter.

  6. Melissa Kalloway
    Melissa Kalloway says:

    Would it be appropriate to say your root cellar is beautiful? The 'before' and 'after' are wonderful to see. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. 🤗
    (I'm curious, what happens to the alcohol in home-made vanilla extract? Does it dissipate?)

  7. crystal Boudreau
    crystal Boudreau says:

    We just did a reno in our basement as well sealing things up and making a "pantry" room has temp shelves for my canning and two of our three freezers in it. Once my husband is home for the winter he's going to build the permenant wood shelves and he's also working on a storage area in the same section of our basement


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