Prepping from the Garden | Stocking Up for Winter | Winter Farm Prep | Heartway Farms

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Today Annie and Julianne will take you through the products we’ve stocked up on this fall, specifically garden produce and mason jars. Frost is on the ground to …

37 replies
  1. Be Gi
    Be Gi says:

    Hello from upstate New York in the beautiful mohawk valley,,,,its getting very cold here,,,and it's snows a lot..can we get a winter your of your farm with all the animals and land to plant your food. I would love a tour? Any barn kittens can I see? We are Orthodox Jewish,,,..the prices of meat are very high..we are kosher so is more expensive,,,oohh hello pretty cows,,I love your channel Mazel Tov,,we will find a farmer that is kosher great idea….

  2. Be Gi
    Be Gi says:

    Can you give a tour of the pantry and food storage with fridges and freezers….I need help organizing,,,,thank you for this I need it..oh thank you a tour I so need a tour

  3. Zombiemom50
    Zombiemom50 says:

    So I ran out of time when I went back to work in September (I teach) and I had a last small picking off green beans so .. I fermented them .. if you’ve ever had “Dilly beans” and liked them fermenting them tastes the same but so much easier !!

  4. Tracy Bruring
    Tracy Bruring says:

    throw lavender in all of your clothing drawers to deter moths; also hang in your clothing closet and pantry for the same reason; this year i have been buying lids in bulk on amazon; i have been using them and although they are probably from overseas they have worked fine. i am buying in batches of 100 to 150

  5. Carol Dougherty
    Carol Dougherty says:

    Kiss the ground you walk on that your children work so physically hard for you. I have to pay my grandchildren for everything that gets done. We had to work hard like you guys when we were young,but nowadays forget it.

  6. shane knight
    shane knight says:

    If you peel, cook until just fork tender, drain and cool quickly in a ice bath. put into a bowl and cover with cling wrap/plastic wrap until completely cold. Grate on a box grater and spread out on deyhdrator; dry and store. Then there is no wastage.

  7. Breanna Sproule
    Breanna Sproule says:

    You can use the lavender in a diy herbs de Provence blend or mix italian spice blend with lavender! We live in Canada so ya understand cooler weather now. We just fished digging potatoes, apple picking and still canning the pears and apples into sauce. As well as getting hay and firewood stocked. 😊

  8. Vanessa Butterfly
    Vanessa Butterfly says:

    God bless you and your family. Thank you for your videos very informative.I prayed and hope in God perfect will I leave the city and move to a house with space and big garden. Learning so much from you both. This is a truly a blessing.

  9. Emma Gwilt
    Emma Gwilt says:

    Great job on stocking up guys 😊
    …..I love growing my own food , next year will be the first time I'm going to give herbs a go , hopefully I'll be drying them around my house like you guys 😂 x

  10. n. vater
    n. vater says:

    Great video! Hope you will do an update on how the rabbits are doing. I know they like to burrow and I was wondering how you will keep them from escaping and keep predators out.

  11. Sandra Hammer
    Sandra Hammer says:

    I canned my potatoes a few years ago and I didn't care too much for the taste afterwards. I haven't canned any this time around just for that reason. Any idea why the flavor changed? I followed and used my pressure canner manual for the recipe.

  12. Mary Schmidt
    Mary Schmidt says:

    A dehydrator would be nice for long term storage for the herbs, cauliflower, and potatoes. Takes up no freezer space or herbs hanging all over. But hanging herbs must smell good around the house.

  13. John Rogers
    John Rogers says:

    I am delighted that your channel popped up on my list! I grew up in NYCity and have very little farm experience. It is really good to hear your presentation on your farm lives. Good to hear about our food and how to handle it. I thank you very much and look forward to "digging" into all your vids and seeing what y'all have dished up.!

  14. Linda O'Brien
    Linda O'Brien says:

    Is there a difference between a root cellar and a basement and what is high tunnel? Sorry I'm a city girl. I have a huge yard and I've grown vegetables and have fruit trees and berries. I'm a vegetarian and I'd like to learn how to prep from my garden. I just found your channel and I've subscribed, thank you. I also live in Illinois.

  15. Connie Huntington
    Connie Huntington says:

    This is the first year that I ran out of quart jars!! They are currently all full and on the shelf. My husband scored a case of pints last week, so we might be ok until next year. I have a quick question, is it possible to can pork? We will be getting our pig processed in a couple of weeks and I would like to have some on the shelf in case of a power outage. Thank you in advance.


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