~ prepper pantry inventory and menu planning ~

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Can I stick to a $40 grocery budget for the month of January? I make a one month menu based on what I have on hand to maximize the contents of my pantry …

22 replies
  1. Susie Sprowl
    Susie Sprowl says:

    I’m praying for God to help me and be with me this year as I work through my goals physically, emotionally, financially and most of all spiritually. My husbands contract ran out one week before Christmas and the company he was working for decided not to renew it because they were already doing some deep financial cuts. Your idea of the cupboard and freezer challenge sounds like a great idea and a lot of fun so I’m going to do this too.

  2. Jen
    Jen says:

    Very interesting. How much fresh fruit and vegetables do you buy. At the moment I'm going through bananas and grapes as if I'll never see them in my life again. I was a vegetarian for 34 years, started eating meat and chicken again 8 years ago but seriously considering going back to vegetarianism for the simple reason that I don't enjoy meat any more.

  3. Sandy's Life 2.0
    Sandy's Life 2.0 says:

    I love your videos so much I hope to start watching more again I always learn something for instance I did not know you could freeze cheese we always buy it when it is on sale then scramble to eat it all but now I will freeze some and I am going to try freezing sandwiches too for Bill's lunches and now that he is on straight afternoons a sandwich for supper sounds quick and easy for me too so I plan on making some up and freezing them for the first time this weekend … thanks for always having such great ideas and tips ☺

  4. Nancy Osgood
    Nancy Osgood says:

    It surely looked like beautiful day! I lived in northern NY most of my life so I know how nice those warmer January days can be. Your day there is quite average here in the southern midwest where I live. Today (Monday) it is 65 degrees and sunny! I have several windows open and did a thorough house cleaning – it feels so good! Tomorrow will be back in the 40's but I will take it! I'm not doing a no spend month but, I am really trying to whittle my pantry and freezer down.

  5. Donna Smith
    Donna Smith says:

    Enjoyed your visit! The chili looked delicious. That’s my favorite Glade air spray too! Maybe you’ll have a mild winter. Today in Northern Alabama it’s 65. We haven’t had any winter weather YET! We know it will be coming!

  6. Nancy Hemati
    Nancy Hemati says:

    This is such a great idea. We all need to use what we have. I know I don't have to worry because God knows what I need.😀 My own challenge for January is to add food to our collection thoughtfully and avoid having too much on hand that could spoil. I would like to reduce our grocery expense in 2019 by about 20%. I shaved a bit off in 2018, but I'd like to do more this year. I feed 3 adults all meals (we eat out very rarely) at home. Convenience foods are nice, but not practical, given my budget. I hope the Lord will bless my efforts here. We'll see how it goes! By the way, you live in a lovely place. Thanks for sharing the drives. 😎

  7. mdeporres19
    mdeporres19 says:

    Hello Stef, Hope you are well on this beautiful Sunday morning. Sun is shining here in central OH and, like you, our weather has been quite mild. This week we are predicted to be in the high 40's and even low 50s. I've been taking every opportunity to walk on my lunch break. You are so right, there is beauty in nature even during Winter. I am all in with the "no waste pantry & freezer challenge". I actually began the 1st of January and I've declared 2019 a "no waste" year. I am going to also eliminate as much processed food from my diet/purchases as possible. I've also challenged myself to go beyond the pantry and freezer. I've turned down the thermostat, unplugged everything I am not using, etc. I not going to purchase anything I don't need and I am going to shop thrift shops as much as possible and, most importantly, save as much $ as possible. Thank you for sharing your monthly menu plan for January – it has given me so much inspiration/ideas. I am looking forward to your upcoming videos. Take care. ~kendra


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