Preparing for the Heatwave | Canning Thai Red Curry Winter Pantry | Budgets | ZERO Waste VLOG

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Welcome to Our Smallholding Adventure! As we move in to the height of summer, we continue harvesting our crops and care of …

16 replies
  1. Susie A1
    Susie A1 says:

    Glad I found an English Channel! Did you put coconut in your curry? USDA say it’s a no no!!! Also the lids must be the ones that you can remove the screw part as you cannot really know if the seals have gone if screwed down. Watch Pam on Rosered Homestead as she is great and science based unlike other Youtube channels. Just signed up to “Too good to Go” thanks for the tip. My trouble is the food bank in my are gets a lot of the stuff from the supermarkets!!

  2. sean mckeown
    sean mckeown says:

    Hi Tracy another great video thank you. Where do you get your canning recipes from is it the Ball book? And have you found one for canning "non chucky" soups?…. otherwise known as smooth 😁…. the gin is looking good 👍 😊

  3. Martina May
    Martina May says:

    Hi Tracey and family, great vlog as usual. I feel for u all in the heat. If not too late and u have room, freeze containers of ice -, icecream buckets, 9 litre pails anything that will hold water. Placed in a container in the shade will provide cool water and also a cool breeze. The sprinkler is a great idea, . Can u source some of your water from the river too to save costs? We also place shadecloth over the greenhouse. It still allows light and heat but reduces it down so its not like a sun oven. Anyway you all take care, stay cool .🌞🧊

  4. Nenemaria - Cornfields Garden Diary
    Nenemaria - Cornfields Garden Diary says:

    I hope everyone gets through the heat ok this week. It's far too hot, we're not used to this up north! I'm spending far too much time moaning about it haha.
    Doesn't seem like 5 minutes since you got the pigs, they certainly fatten up quick. I hope everything goes smoothly <3

  5. Kim Bradley
    Kim Bradley says:

    Hi Tracy, I'm old enough to remember the summer of '76 when the tarmac melted! Lol it's great for the kids to remember summer of '22 especially after the last couple of years they've had. I might be a bit selfish here but I love love love the heat! (Apologies to anyone struggling) xx

  6. Mama Teabelly🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
    Mama Teabelly🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 says:

    You’re so right, we have so much heat! I’m in Scotland and we aren’t as hot as what you’re getting but like you say, we aren’t used to this and our animals take it hard. People in hot countries think our temps are low but we are not used to this. Hope everything and everyone is ok x


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