Preparing Breakfast for My Large Family in the Village

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Preparing Breakfast for My Large Family in the Village ❤ Buy the Weight gain Guide eBook: …

50 replies
  1. Mum Essy Kitchen & More
    Mum Essy Kitchen & More says:

    This village vlog is really fun to watch and I love the kitchen itself! Very spacious and I love the choice of the yam diced and well fried crunchy on the outside and moist in the inside! All Chinyere‘s in the Family are blessed and highly favoured and More greetings to the Teacher ❤️👍 Flavor concert no be small thing ooo

  2. Keisha's Vlogs
    Keisha's Vlogs says:

    Love your videos, so happy to see more of the family. I have a question, when you were out on the streets no one was wearing masks, and everyone was close together. Is Covid-19 not a big issue where you are. Where I am in the USA it is affecting everything publically, eating out, schools are virtual, mask required in most public places, etc. Even my immediate family cannot get together like your family is in the video which was good, we found a nephew from one family and my sister from another both got covid so it would have spread to everyone if we had got together. But life seems normal where you are, please tell me how.

  3. Dera Giselle
    Dera Giselle says:

    I envy people that hail from Umunze right now😭 You all got to watch my World best musician (Flavor) perform live 🥺😫😭
    By the way, this vlog was so refreshing to watch Aunty Flo😘

  4. Chibuike Ulasi
    Chibuike Ulasi says:

    I love the village communal life style and cooking. It is one of the best things I miss about my village. Fried yams and akamu is one of the best breakfast combos ever. Thanks for sharing Flo.

  5. JevonMusicGroup
    JevonMusicGroup says:

    Ndewo. I've never seen anyone slice the yam the way you did. Does that make it easier to peel? I just made your yam porridge recipe two nights ago and my hands and arms were itching like crazy o. 😱🤣


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