Pot Roast For a Crowd | Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2023

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Pot Roast For a Crowd- I’m having 5 teenage couples for supper tonight. They will be dressed up in cute dresses with handsome …

45 replies
  1. Debbie Goble
    Debbie Goble says:

    There was 8 of us and I always got the neck and the back. That's all was left. I'm the baby of 8 of us. so I only got what no one else wanted. I was a skinny kid. My momma was 35 when she had me. I was told a lot that she wished she would of aborted me. Oh well I'm the last one out of all of them. They all are gone.

  2. Beverly McGinnis
    Beverly McGinnis says:

    I put a packet of Onion Soup Mix and a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup on top of that. Then I wrap mine in Foil and cook several Hoirs and it makes delicious Gravy and Roast. You don,t even have to thicken it much.

  3. Todd Ford
    Todd Ford says:

    I’m a 57 year old man and I took care of my mother for the past 10 years. I saw what she did when I was growing up and you get use to it and expect it. It took me caring for her for to realize what she sacrificed. She passed in November and I couldn’t even go to her funeral! She had crippling arthritis and after 10 back surgeries it was too much at 80 years old. She was total care so I had to do everything for her. So yes I see now what a parent sacrifices for their children. It’s an unpaid debt I owe her because taking care of her don’t begin to cover what she did. Thank you, didn’t me to ramble.

  4. Rebecca Rainn
    Rebecca Rainn says:

    Always love your cooking videos❤ This one was amazing because YES you are so right. Is Mommas always give the best to our babies and make sure it’s enough. I can’t count how many times to this day I still do it. It’s what was taught and it’s live. Ty so much!

  5. Karen Johnson
    Karen Johnson says:

    One evening at supper there was one pork chop left on the plate. My husband asked if I wanted lt. I said no, for him to take it. He got a little mad and asked why I always did that. "Always do what?" I replied. "Always let me have the last," he said. I told him it's what wives and mothers do.

  6. Ann Pharr
    Ann Pharr says:

    SO happy I just found out you have a gluten free-er! I struggle with finding & scratch recipes that are tasty! Corn starch is our friend! All GF recipes appreciated & my granddaughter will be surprised. Actually at 11 she does a better job than I do! The roast looks yummy!

  7. Bill Talkington
    Bill Talkington says:

    When I was a leader in the Army I wouldn't eat till all my soldiers ate first. Today as a business owner I cook quite often at the shop. People say why aren't you eating yet. I say waiting on my 12 employees to get their's first. Guess I will never change. 😊

  8. Julia Doss
    Julia Doss says:

    I just found you yesterday and have went back and watched other videos. I love watching you cook! It's just like my Mama and Grandma would cook… including the iron skillets that I and my sister use now❤️These Tennessee Sisters love it❤️

  9. Linda Roper
    Linda Roper says:

    I like canola oil, vegetable oil leaves a weird taste. We all have our own way of doing things. ☺️ Is that a cast iron skillet your using or non stick ? Just wandering cause them utinsles will scratch it.

  10. Laura's Musings
    Laura's Musings says:

    Mamas just sacrifice, one of the ways we show our love. Ive never eaten the last slice of anything or the last serving of a dish, gladly, it's always for anyone that wants another slice or serving. It's how my wonderful Mother taught me. She's been gone now amost 8 months, she was the best!! Happy Mother's Day to all!!


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