POST HOLIDAY DETOX! What I Eat In a Day To Lose Weight – Keto & Low Carb

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23 replies
  1. misspriss13pink
    misspriss13pink says:

    Fabulous! I love that you eat 3 meals a day. I tried 2 meals a day and sometimes that's okay but often I feel like that third meal hits the spot. Definitely making this soup! Thank you! 💖💖

  2. Merry Crow
    Merry Crow says:

    I love how down to earth your cooking is, but it is still quite elevated! Simple, but lots of flavor and depth! Thank you for sharing this, can't wait to try these ideas and recipes!

  3. Keto Dieter
    Keto Dieter says:

    Thank you for this video. As a new keto dieter is the carbs count more important than calories count or both? I’m trying to balance both and I’m not sure if I am doing it right., but I’m losing weight so something is going right. Thank you for any advice you have. Love all the videos and information!

  4. PHLOVEdelphia
    PHLOVEdelphia says:

    I completely fell off this last year after eating low carb throughout my pregnancy I forgot 1. How much I enjoyed your videos and 2. How much I miss eating healthier and finding/trying new recipes. 😩

  5. squirrel friend
    squirrel friend says:

    I follow you on Instagram I don't know why I'm just realizing your YouTube channel! I do the keto diet and I am so so excited to binge all your videos! Your adorable I love your Instagram I'm so happy I Found You YouTube!

  6. Loving It On Keto
    Loving It On Keto says:

    (Harry here) Yeah, I've been eating a lot of chicken and Ground Beef. That seems to be the best way for me to get back on track after the holidays. Wendy (my wife) likes to eat Salmon and we try to stay away from cheese and ALL DAIRY. We also go heavy into PSMF, Keto, and Carnivore foods. We follow a Calander of what to do on what days and a do and don't page to help us lose weight. So fare we've both been able to lose 100 lbs each. Great Video thanks for the added information


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