Pork Carnitas Recipe – Crispy Slow-Roasted Spiced Pork Recipe

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Learn how to make Pork Carnitas Recipe! Go to http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2014/10/crispy-pork-carnitas-these-little-meats.html for more information, and …

29 replies
  1. PJ Wyse
    PJ Wyse says:

    Delish!! I just made it. There is a tip I learned years ago, which will make it even better. After you remove the meat to put it under the broiler, start reducing the sauce. Add just a bit of milk (I use half and half). It helps to round out the flavors, and binds the oil with the other liquid. Toss the broiled meat in it once reduced and creamy. Yum!

  2. Shane Weidle
    Shane Weidle says:

    Shame on you, trying to pass off an authentic Mexican dish like this, and putting Chinese 5 spice, while it may be tasty, it's not Mexican, got hombre. Don't mess with the Mexican people's food. It's not cool. Your voice is not even cool.

  3. Sir HK91G3
    Sir HK91G3 says:

    In the early 90's, I was part owner of a factory in Tijuana. There was a carnitas place on the main boulevard a few blocks up from the bull ring. When you parked, there was an old man with a sombrero sitting on a stack of tires; you would give him $1 and your car would be safe. Out on the sidewalk, in front of the restaurant, there was a tin lean to roof that projected from the building. Under this was a large metal tripod with a 50 gallon calderon (maybe more?) hanging via a chain. It was full of hot pork fat. A wood fire underneath. The man would bring chunks, maybe 5# each out in a full wheel barrow. He would use a pitch fork to throw them into the hot fat. Inside were rustic wooden benches. There were 5 ladies behind a plexiglass window producing home made tortillas. You would buy the meat by the kg. and the tortillas and vegetable came with it. Five of us would sit there and eat and drink Coronas for several hours until we could hardly move. Stuffed full, drunk and happy; the whole thing was less than $20 total (for the whole crew). I think if I had to choose a last meal, it would be at this place.


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